

(Difference between revisions)
(Created page with "var radius = 250; var dtr = Math.PI/180; var d=300; var mcList = []; var active = false; var lasta = 1; var lastb = 1; var distr = true; var tspeed=10; var size=250; var mouseX=...")
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window.onload=function ()
window.onload=function ()
        var flag = false;
    var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
    while (!flag) {
        flag = true;
        for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; ++i) {
            if (!imgs[i].complete) {
                flag = false;
var i=0;
var i=0;
var oTag=null;
var oTag=null;

Revision as of 14:59, 3 October 2014

var radius = 250; var dtr = Math.PI/180; var d=300; var mcList = []; var active = false; var lasta = 1; var lastb = 1; var distr = true; var tspeed=10; var size=250;

var mouseX=0; var mouseY=0;

var howElliptical=1;

var aA=null; var oDiv=null;

window.onload=function () {

       var flag = false;
   var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
   while (!flag) {
       flag = true;
       for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; ++i) {
           if (!imgs[i].complete) {
               flag = false;

var i=0; var oTag=null;



for(i=0;i<aA.length;i++) { oTag={};

oTag.offsetWidth=aA[i].offsetWidth; oTag.offsetHeight=aA[i].offsetHeight;

mcList.push(oTag); }

sineCosine( 0,0,0 );


oDiv.onmouseover=function () { active=true; };

oDiv.onmouseout=function () { active=false; };

oDiv.onmousemove=function (ev) { var oEvent=window.event || ev;

mouseX=oEvent.clientX-(oDiv.offsetLeft+oDiv.offsetWidth/2); mouseY=oEvent.clientY-(oDiv.offsetTop+oDiv.offsetHeight/2);

mouseX/=5; mouseY/=5; };

setInterval(update, 30); };

function update() { var a; var b;

if(active) { a = (-Math.min( Math.max( -mouseY, -size ), size ) / radius ) * tspeed; b = (Math.min( Math.max( -mouseX, -size ), size ) / radius ) * tspeed; } else { a = lasta * 0.98; b = lastb * 0.98; }

lasta=a; lastb=b;

if(Math.abs(a)<=0.01 && Math.abs(b)<=0.01) { return; }

var c=0; sineCosine(a,b,c); for(var j=0;j<mcList.length;j++) { var rx1=mcList[j].cx; var ry1=mcList[j].cy*ca+mcList[j].cz*(-sa); var rz1=mcList[j].cy*sa+mcList[j].cz*ca;

var rx2=rx1*cb+rz1*sb; var ry2=ry1; var rz2=rx1*(-sb)+rz1*cb;

var rx3=rx2*cc+ry2*(-sc); var ry3=rx2*sc+ry2*cc; var rz3=rz2;

mcList[j].cx=rx3; mcList[j].cy=ry3; mcList[j].cz=rz3;


mcList[j].x=(howElliptical*rx3*per)-(howElliptical*2); mcList[j].y=ry3*per; mcList[j].scale=per; mcList[j].alpha=per;

mcList[j].alpha=(mcList[j].alpha-0.6)*(10/6); }

doPosition(); depthSort(); }

function depthSort() { var i=0; var aTmp=[];

for(i=0;i<aA.length;i++) { aTmp.push(aA[i]); }

aTmp.sort ( function (vItem1, vItem2) { if(> { return -1; } else if(< { return 1; } else { return 0; } } );

for(i=0;i<aTmp.length;i++) { aTmp[i].style.zIndex=i; } }

function positionAll() { var phi=0; var theta=0; var max=mcList.length; var i=0;

var aTmp=[]; var oFragment=document.createDocumentFragment();

//随机排序 for(i=0;i<aA.length;i++) { aTmp.push(aA[i]); }

aTmp.sort ( function () { return Math.random()<0.5?1:-1; } );

for(i=0;i<aTmp.length;i++) { oFragment.appendChild(aTmp[i]); }


for( var i=1; i<max+1; i++){ if( distr ) { phi = Math.acos(-1+(2*i-1)/max); theta = Math.sqrt(max*Math.PI)*phi; } else { phi = Math.random()*(Math.PI); theta = Math.random()*(2*Math.PI); } //坐标变换 mcList[i-1].cx = radius * Math.cos(theta)*Math.sin(phi); mcList[i-1].cy = radius * Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi); mcList[i-1].cz = radius * Math.cos(phi);

aA[i-1].style.left=mcList[i-1].cx+oDiv.offsetWidth/2-mcList[i-1].offsetWidth/2+'px'; aA[i-1][i-1].cy+oDiv.offsetHeight/2-mcList[i-1].offsetHeight/2+'px'; } }

function doPosition() { var l=oDiv.offsetWidth/2; var t=oDiv.offsetHeight/2; for(var i=0;i<mcList.length;i++) { aA[i].style.left=mcList[i].cx+l-mcList[i].offsetWidth/2+'px'; aA[i][i].cy+t-mcList[i].offsetHeight/2+'px';


aA[i].style.filter="alpha(opacity="+100*mcList[i].alpha+")"; aA[i].style.opacity=mcList[i].alpha; } }

function sineCosine( a, b, c) { sa = Math.sin(a * dtr); ca = Math.cos(a * dtr); sb = Math.sin(b * dtr); cb = Math.cos(b * dtr); sc = Math.sin(c * dtr); cc = Math.cos(c * dtr); }