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<h2>Human Practices</h2>
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<p> Cardiovascular disease has been identified as one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and particularly in North America. Cardiovascular disease is strongly associated with atherosclerotic plaque: the accumulation of oxidized lipids and foam cells over the inner layer of arteries; atherosclerotic plaque does not only affect the behaviour of factors as blood pressure, but is also a major cause of strokes and cardiovascular events. <br><br>
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Formerly, atherosclerosis was strongly associated with the daily intake of cholesterol in products derived from an animal source; however, it has recently been shown that it is not cholesterol itself, but its oxidized derivatives which cause the development of atherosclerotic plaque. When cholesterol travels through the bloodstream, in the form of lipoproteins, it is susceptible to a variety of chemical reactions, among which oxidation caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is quite common. When cholesterol is oxidized, it can no longer undergo a normal metabolic control: it starts accumulating and the cells responsible for its degradation, the macrophages, are unable to metabolize it. This is the ultimate cause of Atherosclerosis. <br><br>
Within the activites related to human practices, there are two intensive courses that we, in collaboration with iGEM team ollin synbio. The first of these courses covered the topics related to synthetic biology and was held at ITESM CEM. It consisted of 18 hours distributed in 3 different Saturdays (May 24th and 31st and June 7th). The goal of this course was to cover the following topics:<br><br>
• Fundamentals of molecular biology and genetics
• Genetic Engineering
• Fundamentals of synthetic biology
• Biobricks
• Biological machines
• Synthetic biology and its applications
• Intellectual property
• Biosafety and bioethics<br><br>
In order to broaden the perspective of the participants who mostly consisted of biotechnology engineering students ranging from 4th to 8th semester of their undergraduate program. We can gladly say that this objective was met and that the participants acquired knowledge that will help them decide the path their scientific lives will take. It was a great opportunity to introduce young people to the world of synthetic biology, biobricks, biological machines, biosafety and bioethics. <br>
The 50 subscribed participants covered a fee of inscription of 750 mexican pesos, the money collected was divided between the two organizing teams, and it was used to develop their projects.<br>
The second course that we organized covered the topics related to medical biotechnology, these topics are the following:<br><br>
• Cell biology and genetics
• Genomics
• Transcriptomics
• Proteomics
• Pathogen identification, using molecular diagnosis
• Molecular diagnosis of heritable diseases
• Pharmacogenetics
• Pharmacogenomics
• Cell therapy using stem cells
• Tissue engineering
• Gene therapy
• Fundamentals of Immunology
• Recombinant vaccines
• Transfer factor
• Fabotherapy
• Bioethics<br><br>
This course consisted of 32 effective hours, distributed in 5 Saturdays (June 21st and 28th and July 5th 12th and 26th) The 50 participants covered a fee of 900 pesos, this course was also held at ITESM CEM.  
In order to carry out the courses, team members contacted experts in each of the areas that we managed to cover. Being fortunate enough to have the participations of recognized researchers such as Ph.D Atlántida Raya Rivera; Ph.D Vianney Ortíz Navarrete; Master José Antonio Alonso Pavón; Ph.D Juan José Plata, among others. Many of them work at CINVESTAV, UNAM, ITESM, etc.
The collaboration of these experts, helped participants, acquire knowledge regarding not only synthetic biology and medicine, but also, really important topics such as biosafety and bioethics, given by Master in bioethics José Antonio Alonso Pavón, because it is of critical importance that the scientists that are being prepared today have the bioethics basis in order to carry out a carrier that is based on the improvement and benefit of the human race.
A variety of oxidized cholesterol species exists, it is the purpose of this project to enhance the macrophage-mediated degradation of a particular molecule, namely 7-ketocholesterol. In order to perform this task, the genes encoding three microbial enzymes will be transformed into human macrophages. The enzymes were firstly isolated from two genres of bacteria which inhabit the soil, where they are exposed to death animal rests; this kind of organisms are then naturally able to metabolize the compounds accumulated in the bodies, as oxidized cholesterol. First, we are testing the functionality of the three recombinant enzymes in E. coli and the degradation rates showed on 7-ketocholesterol, after that we will be able to transform mammalian cells. <br><br>
By using this approach, it is expected that the ability of macrophages to degrade 7-ketocholesterol will be increased at a genomic and metabolic level. Once suitable results are obtained, a new approach will be taken so that a therapy can be developed.
<h2>References </h2>
1. Benoit C, Drouot S, Barrail-Tran A, Taburet AM. Drug-drug interactions between HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) and antiviral protease inhibitors. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2013 May 24; 52: 815-831. <br><br>
2. Biasucci LM, Biasillo G, Stefanelli A. Inflammatory markers, cholestreol and sta<br>tins: pathophysiological role and clinical importance. Cliln Chem Lab Med. 2010 Sep 27; 48(12): 1685-1691. <br>
3. Lyons MA, Brown AJ. Molecules in focus: 7-ketocholesterol. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1999; 31: 369-375.<br><br>
4. Mathieu JM, Mohn WW, Eltis LD, LeBlanc JC, Stewart GR, Dresen C, et al. 7-Ketocholesterol catabolism by Rhodococcus jostti RHA1. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2009 Oct 26; 76(1): 352-355. <br><br>
5. Mathieu JM, Schloendron J, Rittmann BE, Álvarez PJJ. Microbial degradation of 7-ketocholesterol. Biodegradation. 2008; 19: 807-813. <br><br>
6. Mathieu JM. Strategies for the mitigation of oxysterol-induced cytotoxicity. Texas: Rice University; 2011. <br>
7. Pérez Guerra Y. Oxidación de las LDL (lipoproteínas de baja densidad) y su relación con la patogénesis de la aterosclerosis. Revista CENIC de ciencias biológicas. 2007; 38(1): 3-11. <br><br>
8. Tubbs RS, Blouir MC, Romeo AK, Mortazavi MM, Choen-Gadol AA. Spinal cord ischemia and atherosclerosis: a review of literature. Br J Neurosurg. 2011 Dec 25; 25(6): 666-670.

Revision as of 23:05, 2 October 2014

TEC-CEM | Project

ITESM-CEM | Enzy7-K me

Project 3014



Within the activites related to human practices, there are two intensive courses that we, in collaboration with iGEM team ollin synbio. The first of these courses covered the topics related to synthetic biology and was held at ITESM CEM. It consisted of 18 hours distributed in 3 different Saturdays (May 24th and 31st and June 7th). The goal of this course was to cover the following topics:

• Fundamentals of molecular biology and genetics • Genetic Engineering • Fundamentals of synthetic biology • Biobricks • Biological machines • Synthetic biology and its applications • Intellectual property • Biosafety and bioethics

In order to broaden the perspective of the participants who mostly consisted of biotechnology engineering students ranging from 4th to 8th semester of their undergraduate program. We can gladly say that this objective was met and that the participants acquired knowledge that will help them decide the path their scientific lives will take. It was a great opportunity to introduce young people to the world of synthetic biology, biobricks, biological machines, biosafety and bioethics.
The 50 subscribed participants covered a fee of inscription of 750 mexican pesos, the money collected was divided between the two organizing teams, and it was used to develop their projects.
The second course that we organized covered the topics related to medical biotechnology, these topics are the following:

• Cell biology and genetics • Genomics • Transcriptomics • Proteomics • Pathogen identification, using molecular diagnosis • Molecular diagnosis of heritable diseases • Pharmacogenetics • Pharmacogenomics • Cell therapy using stem cells • Tissue engineering • Gene therapy • Fundamentals of Immunology • Recombinant vaccines • Transfer factor • Fabotherapy • Bioethics

This course consisted of 32 effective hours, distributed in 5 Saturdays (June 21st and 28th and July 5th 12th and 26th) The 50 participants covered a fee of 900 pesos, this course was also held at ITESM CEM. In order to carry out the courses, team members contacted experts in each of the areas that we managed to cover. Being fortunate enough to have the participations of recognized researchers such as Ph.D Atlántida Raya Rivera; Ph.D Vianney Ortíz Navarrete; Master José Antonio Alonso Pavón; Ph.D Juan José Plata, among others. Many of them work at CINVESTAV, UNAM, ITESM, etc. The collaboration of these experts, helped participants, acquire knowledge regarding not only synthetic biology and medicine, but also, really important topics such as biosafety and bioethics, given by Master in bioethics José Antonio Alonso Pavón, because it is of critical importance that the scientists that are being prepared today have the bioethics basis in order to carry out a carrier that is based on the improvement and benefit of the human race.