Team:UIUC Illinois/Notebook


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<div class ="tbnote">
<h2>Wednesday 13<sup>th</sup> August</h2>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="tbnotelogo PSlogo"> ASDF </a>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<ul style="text-indent:30px;">
<li>Add 114uL H2O, 32uL buffer, 3.2uL dNTP, 1.6uL polymerase to tube 1</li>
<li>72uL of A to tube 10 + 20uL BB for + 2uL BB rev + 0.5uL purified green</li>
<li>72uL of A to tube A + 2uL ndmD + gst9 + 2uL for/rev </li>
<li>Spin for 5 seconds </li>
<li>Put in PCR machine</li>
Gel Purification
<li>Cut one gel piece as small as possible</li>
<li>Add 500uL of buffer QG to tube 1-4, 10, 11, incubate at 50C for 10 minutes - invert several times until dissolved</li>
<li>Load liquid in column, spin 1 minute at full speed</li>
<li>Discard flow through, add 500uL QG, spin 1 minute at full speed</li>
<li>Discard flow through, add 750uL DNA wash buffer, spin 1 minute at full speed</li>
<li>Discard flow through, spin 1 minute at full speed</li>
<li>Discard flow through, add 40uL H2O, move column to fresh tube, spin 1 minute at full speed, sit for 1 minute</li>
<table width="100%" border="1px solid black" >
<td>ndmA 1</td>
<td>ndmA 2</td>
<td>ndmB 1</td>
<td>ndmB 2</td>
<html><div id="Thursday_14th_August.html"></div></html>
<div class ="tbnote">
<h2>Thursday 14<sup>th</sup> August</h2>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="tbnotelogo PSlogo"> ASDF </a>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<ul style="text-indent:30px;">
Ran gel
<li>Throw Top 10 cells on ice for 10-20 minutes</li>
<li>Add 5uL of GG rxn mix then stir it gently on pipette</li>
<li>Leave cells on ice for 20-30 minutes</li>
<li>Heat shock at 42C for 5 minutes</li>
<li>Put 1mL LB into the tube, mix it, then transfer it and leave it in 37C for 1 hour</li>
<li>Plate 20uL and 200uL on LB+CM</li>

Revision as of 23:17, 17 October 2014

Monday 9th June

Made LB broth using 10 grams of bacto agar + 12 grams HiVeg LB broth + 600 mL ddH2O

Autoclaved 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes as well as LB

Poured plates of LB and chloramphenicol (CAM)

Streaked 2 plates with E. coli DguaB (pDCAF3)

Incubated in 37 degrees celsius

Aliquoted kanamycin (KAN) in four 1mL tubes

Tuesday 10th June

Autoclaved at 1:30pm

  • 0.8 grams of YNB + 156 mL H2O
  • 28 grams of salts + 490 mL H2O

Used sterile filter for 1M MgSO4 and 1M CaCl2

Suspended 5 uL of CM34 (antibiotic) + 5 mL of LB + 1 colony of pDCAF3 E. coli

Added .5 grams of caffeine + 400 uL of 1M MgSO4 + 20 uL 1M CaCl2 + 40 mL M95x salts + H2O to YNB + H2O mixture

  • Labeled this "M9 media"

Inoculated frozen stock of E. coli guaB pDCAF3 in 5 mL of M9 media

Placed sample in 30 degree celsius shaker for culturing

Wednesday 11th June

Inoculated CBB1 frozen stock in 5 mL of M9 media

Placed sample in 30 degree celsius shaker

Purified pDCAF plasmid using DNA mini kit

  • Plasmid concentration was 132.9 ng/uL

Friday 13th June

Added 10 uL deionized H2O into the J23114 promoter plasmid (Ampᴿ)

Followed bacterial transformation protocol to prepare/grow culture overnight

Inoculated 5 mL of M9 with CBB1 and placed it in 30 degree celsius shaker for 3 days

  • Previous CBB1 culture did not grow, showed slight growth
  • pDCAF3 strain in M9 did grow in the 30 degree celsius shaker

Monday 16th June

No growth in M9 by CBB1

To grow the promoter plasmid:

  • 5 mL of LB + 1 uL Amp
  • Label tubes
  • Grow in 30 degree celsius shaker overnight
New CBB1 trials:

  • 2 tubes of 1 mL M9 + 2 tubes of 1 mL LB each with 10 uL of sample

Purify genomic DNA plasmid following the Wizard Protocol

  • Added lysis buffer before centrifuging. So we separated (translate) sample into 2 tubes and will (translate) accordingly
  • We put our 2 promoter plasmid plates in the 4 degree celsius shelf

Tuesday 17th June

Quantified gDNA with TECAN
  • Result: 5.4 ng/uL

Made 2 plates of M9 culture and 2 plates of CBB1 culture (100 uL used) then placed them in 37 degree celsius shaker

Wednesday 18th June

Autoclaved 50% glycerol

Made four 25% glycerol stock solutions (stored in the -80 degree celsius freezer):

  • CBB1 in M9 (x2 1.5 mL tubes)
  • Promoter 1
  • Promoter 2 (both promoter plasmids are J23114 Ampᴿ)
Purified both promoter plasmids using the purification protocol
  • Stored in the -20 degree celsius freezer in the DNA box

Thursday 19th June

Quantified promoter plasmid (J23114 #1 and #2)
    #1: 342.9 ng/ul with a ratio of 1.9 #2: 373.2 ng/ul with a ratio of 1.91

Checking to see if expired enzymes work: Using the J23114 promoter plasmid, we will see if the 3-year expired SpeI works
  • We combined 1 uL of 2.1 buffer, 1 uL of Spe1, and 6 uL of J23114 promoter
  • Heat bath at 37 degrees celsius for 1 hour because 2.1 buffer is <100% effective on this enzyme
  • Then we will run gel electrophoresis: Concluded that the enzyme works

Cutting the promoter with restriction enzymes
  • Combined 24 uL of J23114 promoter + 3 uL of CutSmart buffer + 1 uL of each EcoRI and SpeI
  • Heat bath at 37 degrees celsius for 1 hour + 20 minute heat-kill at 80 degrees celsius

Cutting linearized backbone
  • Linearized backbone with chloraphenicol marker (12 uL) + 12 uL water + 1 uL of each EcoRI, PstI, and DpnI + 3 uL 2.1 buffer
  • Heat bath at 37 degrees celsius for 1 hour + 20 minute heat-kill at 80 degrees celsius

Wednesday 9th July

Made 400mL of M9 solution
  • Made 40% glucose solution of 50mL: 2g glucose
  • Added the following to 316mL of DI H2O: Na2HPO4: 13.56g Na2HPO4, 2g NH4Cl, 1g NaCl, 6g KH2PO4
  • Added 80mL 5x M9 salt solution (20% of 400mL)
  • Added 800uL MgSO4 + 40uL CaCl2
  • Added 4mL glucose solution using syringe
  • Stirred until all dissolved

Removed competent cells from the -80 freezer

Thawed on ice for 30 minutes

Removed CAM agar plate from 4 degree cold room

Mixed 4uL of pDCAF3 plasmid with 30uL competent cells in microcentrifuge tube, placed on ice for 30 minutes

Placed mixture in water bath (42C) for 45 seconds

Placed mixture on ice for 2 minutes

Added 300uL LB to mixture

Placed in 37 degree shaker for 45 minutes

Plated cells on CAM plate, placed in 37 degree drawer overnight

Thursday 10th July

GuaB/pDCAF suspension in caffeine/theobromine
  • 0.0975g/10mL caffeine, 0.09g/10mL -> 50 mM
  • 2.5mL of M9 (with Glucose) + 2.4875mL of H2O + 12.5uL of caffeine/theobromine
  • Use syringe to filter out 10mL of caffeine/theobromine into new conical test tubes
  • Take out guaB/pDCAF from -80C freezer, suspend it using 10uL pipette tips
  • Place them into 37C inclubator overnight

Tuesday 15th July

Retrieved lactobacillus WCFS from Dr. Lu

Wednesday 16th July

Incubate 4 tubes with LB+CM
  • Red 1 and 2
  • Green 1 and 2
  • Placed in shaker at 12:20pm

Thursday 17th July

Made 1mg/mL Erm of 50mL

Used syringe to filter out

25mL Erm into LB agar

Made 13 places

Erm is in -20C

Friday 18th July

Streak out Erm-R onto Erm plates (made 2)

Put them into incubator (start: 9:35am)

Monday 21th July

cdh PCR redo: Made 4 master mixes: 5uL gDNA CBB1, 45uL DDH2O Master Mix 1: Regular
    20uL Buffer G 4uL forward primer 4uL reverse primer 0.4uL Q5 polymerase 2uL template 9.6uL H2O

Saturday 26th July

MRS agar of 200mL
  • 3g agar (15g/L)
  • 10.41g MRS

    • 300mL LB + 3uL CM34 + IG4

      300mL LB + 3uL CM34 + IG5

Monday 28th July

Diluted caffeine and theobromine solutions for HPLC
  • 500uM Caffeine (10mL)
  • 500uM Theobromine (10mL)
  • 100uM Caffeine (10mL)
  • 100uM Theobromine (10mL)
  • 250uM Caffeine + 250uM Theobromine (10mL)

(page 169 on bottom, can’t read XW’s part)
  • Take 1mL of I4/I5 LB cultures and spin for 2 minutes at 8000 rpm
  • Removed supernatant
  • Added 1mL of OH salt, resuspended
  • 2 minutes at 8000 rpm
  • Removed supernatant
  • Resuspended in 1mL of M9 media

Wednesday 30th July

Ran gDNA extraction
  • Quantification: 1.8 ratio

Thursday 31th July

gDNA qualtify: 97.5 ng/mL, 1.76 ratio

cdh PCR
  • 30uL H20
  • 10uL Phusion HF
  • 1uL dNTP 10x
  • 2.5uL rev.
  • 2.5uL for.
  • 3.5uL template
  • 0.5uL polymerase
  • Made 4 10uL samples from master mix
  • Gradient: 44.9, 50.8, 58.9, 65.1C
  • Cycle 3 was used

  • Performed restriction digestion of pdCAF3 and green optogene
  • pdCAF3
    • .5uL Cutsmart buffer
    • .5uL Saci
    • .5uL EcoRI-HF
    • 7.52uL pdCAF3
    • 36.48uL H2O
  • Green
  • .5uL Cutsmart buffer .5uL NcoI .5uL NheI 8.4uL Green optogene 35.1 uL H2O
  • Incubated at 37C waterbath for 1 minute
  • Gel run at 120V for 25 minutes with a 1kb ladder

  • Cultured IG4/IG5 in M9 and no CM
  • 3mL M9, 300uL Caffeine, for only IG4, 30uL cells
  • Placed in 37 degree shaker

Monday 4th July

M9 Caffeine Media
  • 200uM 200mL caffeine
  • 50 M9 5x salts
  • .5mL MgSO4
  • .025mL CaCl2
  • 1.25mL 40% glucose

  • M9-Theobromine Media
  • 200mL 200uM Theobromine
  • 50mL M9 5x salts
  • .5mL MgSO4
  • .025mL CaCl2
  • 1.25mL 40% glucose

  • pdCAF3 Digestion
  • 5uL cutsmart buffer
  • 1uL PstI
  • .5uL XhoI
  • 7.52uL pdCAF3
  • 35.98uL H2O
  • 1 hour 37C incubation
  • 20 min 80C heat inactivation

Monday 11th August

    Resuspended primers in water
  • Spin down for 5 seconds
  • Inverted several times, set for 3 minutes
  • Inverte again, let sit for 3 more minutes
  • Invert before use

  • PCR
  • 57uL H2O + 1.6uL dNTP + 16uL buffer + 0.8uL polymerase in tube 1
  • 9uL of 1 + 0.25uL BB primer for + 0.25uL primer rev + 0.5uL template (PSBC13) in tube 8
  • Add 0.5uL pdCAF3 to tube 1
  • 9uL of 1 to tube 2-7, 0.25 rev + 0.25 for to each of the tubes respectively
  • Spin down for 5 seconds
  • Put tube 2-8 in PCR machine

Tuesday 12th August

    456uL H2O, 128uL buffer, 12.8uL dNTP, 6.4uL polymerase into tube A

    9uL of A + 0.25uL BB for + 0.25uL BB rev + 0.5uL purified green in tube 8

    0.5uL pdCAF to tube A

    72uL A to tube 1-6, 9uL A to tube 7, 0.25 BB rev/for to 7, 2uL for/2uL rev to 1-6 respectively

    Spin down for 5 seconds

    PCR in cycle 1
    Tube Primers Template Volume(uL)
    1 ndmA 1 pdCAF 80
    2 ndmA 2 pdCAF 80
    3 ndmB 1 pdCAF 80
    4 ndmB 2 pdCAF 80
    5 ndmC pdCAF 80
    6 ndmD + gst9 pdCAF 80
    7 BB pdCAF 10
    8 BB Green Optogene 10

Wednesday 13th August

  • Add 114uL H2O, 32uL buffer, 3.2uL dNTP, 1.6uL polymerase to tube 1
  • 72uL of A to tube 10 + 20uL BB for + 2uL BB rev + 0.5uL purified green
  • 72uL of A to tube A + 2uL ndmD + gst9 + 2uL for/rev
  • Spin for 5 seconds
  • Put in PCR machine

  • Gel Purification
  • Cut one gel piece as small as possible
  • Add 500uL of buffer QG to tube 1-4, 10, 11, incubate at 50C for 10 minutes - invert several times until dissolved
  • Load liquid in column, spin 1 minute at full speed
  • Discard flow through, add 500uL QG, spin 1 minute at full speed
  • Discard flow through, add 750uL DNA wash buffer, spin 1 minute at full speed
  • Discard flow through, spin 1 minute at full speed
  • Discard flow through, add 40uL H2O, move column to fresh tube, spin 1 minute at full speed, sit for 1 minute
  • Tube ng/uL H2O(uL) uL
    ndmA 1 55.8 N/A 0,448
    ndmA 2 64 14 0.55
    ndmB 1 37.9 12 0.79
    ndmB 2 55.4 4 0.9
    ndmC 41.9 N/A 0.6
    ndmD/9 85.6 N/A 0.6
    BB 2.5 20 0.76

Thursday 14th August

    Ran gel

  • Throw Top 10 cells on ice for 10-20 minutes
  • Add 5uL of GG rxn mix then stir it gently on pipette
  • Leave cells on ice for 20-30 minutes
  • Heat shock at 42C for 5 minutes
  • Put 1mL LB into the tube, mix it, then transfer it and leave it in 37C for 1 hour
  • Plate 20uL and 200uL on LB+CM