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Essentially, the study researchers created a stripped-down, but still functional, third chromosome of brewer's yeast, which contains about 2.5 percent of the organism's total genes.
Essentially, the study researchers created a stripped-down, but still functional, third chromosome of brewer's yeast, which contains about 2.5 percent of the organism's total genes.

Revision as of 20:27, 17 October 2014

Scientists Move Closer to Inventing Artificial Life

It is reported that an international team has inserted a man-made chromosome into brewer's yeast, producing a life form that thrives and successfully passes the designer genes on to its offspring.


Chromosomes are the packages for genes. In plants, animals, and fungi like yeast, they are contained within a cell nucleus, which simpler microbes like bacteria do not have. People have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and yeasts have 16. Best known for their role in baking bread and brewing beer, yeasts share about a third of their genes with people.


(Pic 1 The budding yeast is just like roast photo with delicious sausage. 图为正在出芽的啤酒酵母,看起来像不像一个土豆盖着许多片烤香肠呢? 嘿嘿,是不是又饿了^_^)

Tolerant of genetic tinkering, yeast played a role in a previous synthetic biology breakthrough, when scientists led by J. Craig Venter assembled the first artificial bacterial genome inside yeast cells in 2009. And man-made DNA strips cooked up inside yeasts, so-called yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), have been used to make gene maps for decades. Yeast was one of the first organisms to have its entire genome sequenced, in 1996.

由于对基因改造有很好的耐受性,酵母在以往合成生物学的重大突破中都扮演了很重要的角色。2009年,以J.Craig Venter为首的科学家们在酵母细胞中组建了第一个人工细菌基因。另外,酵母中的某些DNA被人工敲除(使酵母中原有的一些可以表达的基因沉默不能表达,从而抑制相关生物功能),改造成为酵母人造染色体(YAC),多年来都被用作构建基因图谱。1996年,酵母成为第一个被全部测序的有机体。

The new study's "synIII" artificial chromosome implanted into brewer's yeast builds on this legacy. It crowns a seven-year "Build a Genome" project that involved more than 60 biologists in its assembly. 这项将“synIII”人造染色体植入啤酒酵母中的研究全部建立在上述基础上。它被称为“7年构建一个基因组”项目,共有60多位生物学家参与它的构建。

Still awaiting scientists is the assembly of a complete artificial genome: man-made versions of all the chromosomes in a plant or animal. 仍有待科学家们完成的是一个完整的人造基因组的组装构建:所有动植物的人造基因组。

Ideally, synthetic biology will produce microbes with specific genetic codes embedded to cheaply churn out renewable fuels or medicines such as the antimalarial drug artemisinin.
