Team:Korea U Seoul/Project/sub design


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Revision as of 09:49, 17 October 2014

Design & Part

Our part is a “pilin A gene cluster”. Pilin A gene cluster is coding for pili A of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. It has four coding regions and one regulatory region. Regulatory region is its own promoter. Four coding regions are sortase A, enzyme that makes pili A and pilin spa A & B & C that are components of pili A. WIth these all regions, we can make pili A. And we are going to modifying this part to generate "Our Favorite Protein Whip", especially spa A

Because of internal restriction enzyme site in our part, we have to slice it to two parts. We can use pilin A gene cluster by cutting and fusing these two parts. Vector is pSB1C3

BBa_K1377000 Link :
BBa_K1377001 Link :

Name Type Description Length Designer
BBa_K1377000 Device promoter of pili
A gene cluster + spaA front
1137bp Jade Minseob Yoo
BBa_K1377001 Device spaA backward + sortase A + spaB + spaC 7772bp Jade Minseob Yoo