Team:UB Indonesia/backup


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<h2><center>“Early Step for Synthetic Biology Development in Indonesia”</center></h2>
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iGEM is not only a competition which provides a stage for us to perform our work done at the laboratory but also an effort to popularize synthetic biology to the public. Synthetic biology is not popular yet in Indonesia and there are many people who do not know about this field. Therefore we decided to hold a workshop entitled “Potential and applications of synthetic biology in Indonesia” which was held on September, 26th - 27th 2014.<br><br>
ITB iGEM team and UI iGEM team also took part in our activities and make it more fun. The participants not just come from undergraduate student but also from postgraduate student from various university in Indonesia. We got that audience are so enthusiastic through our lecture. The lecture has five parts, including introduction of synthetic biology and its potential for immunology therapy, potential of biology synthetic for health and medicine field, introduction about iGEM, presentation material from ITB iGEM team, project of syntetic biology community of UGM, and presentation material from iGEM-UB.<br><br>
Synthetic biology is a newly-developing subject. We hope through our event there will be a better understanding about what synthetic biology is, its potential and encouraged people to develop synthetic biology in Indonesia. Beside, we held a workshop about bioinformatics. Why we choose bioinformatics? Because it is needed for molecule prediction before we do some molecular work at laboratory. It also useful and be a basic for developing synthetic biology. Thanks to Synbio community from Gadjah Mada University and student from University State of Malang who took part on our workshop.<br><br>
Well, hopefully this small step can be the beginning of a big step in the world of synthetic biology in Indonesia. Such as a cell that will develop into tissues and has a function. Go synthetic biology!
<h2 class="font-thin"><font color="#fff">Workshop</font></h2>
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<h2><center>“Say Hi to Young Scientist Wannabe!”</center></h2>
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Synthetic Biology (Synbio) can not stop on our generation, but must be passed on the generations below us. Therefore, we hold socialization Synbio to students high school in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Our focus is opening their minds to the real world’s problem and things we can do through science and engineering. We presented it by video animation, power point and brochure. <br><br>
We hold imaginationclasses, in which students were divided into groups and given the opportunity toimagine bio-machine that can solve the problems in the world. Wow! The results were shocking! They have wild imagination in implantingsynbio concept clearly and precisely. Well, although some ideas seem impossible, but hey, there is nothing impossible in science, isn’t it?</p>
<h2 class="font-thin"><font color="#fff">Education</font></h2>
<h2 class="font-thin"><font color="#fff">Education</font></h2>
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<h2><center>“From Lab For Society”</center></h2>
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Doing research and explore a new thing which will be useful for society is really important, but, the other thing that also important is the socialization to society. So, we bring synthetic biology to solve society’s problem.<br><br>
We are visiting Indonesia Child Cancer Care Foundation in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The foundation is established on the basis of concern for the rise of cancer that occurs in children. By the time we tell the management of the foundation that our focus was cervical cancer, surprisingly the foundation said that there are some children infected with cervical cancer, myom and a cyst ( to fyl further kept secret for the sake of patients ). The foundation also suggested students to socialize more often to society from all age  so cancer prevention can be done.<br><br>
According to Ms. Novi, as Volunteer Coordinator, many cancer patients due to lack of knowledge about cancer in society. It causes people less careful and many new cancer cases have been detected at late stage. Therefore she really supports our research on early detection of cervical cancer.<br><br>
We made several visits to the foundation. There, we aided by Gencorp organization from Surabaya in giving encouragement to cancer patients. We also discussed about things that we can do for cancer patients. One thing that we will never forget is that we were invited to visit hospitals and meet cancer patient directly. We are so far, only serves in the scale of laboratory in developing the treatment of cancer, a direct view of how the treatment of cancer research is needed. It gives us spirit in resolving this research. Be closer to patients aforetime and feel how this research has a lot of meaning.<br><br>
Besides being active in activities at the foundation, we also give the material to friends in the traveling community GAMANANTA, which is a large community of traveler Indonesia, about how to maintain the health of vital organs during travel. This was greeted with great enthusiasm, we even double enthusiastic. We believe that, by sharing, the knowledge that we have will provide a double benefit to the community. Go Synthetic Biology for Indonesia!
<h2 class="font-thin"><font color="#fff">Society</font></h2>
<h2 class="font-thin"><font color="#fff">Society</font></h2>

Revision as of 14:24, 16 October 2014



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