Team:ETH Zurich/labblog/catfunction.php
Latest revision as of 18:56, 6 July 2014
<?php /**
* Parser hook extension adds a <category-cloud> tag to wiki markup. The * following attributes are used: * category = The category, minus the "Category:" * minsize = The minimum size, as percentage. Defaults to 80. * maxsize = The maximum size, as a percentage. Defaults to 125. * class = The CSS class to assign to the outer div, defaults * to "category-cloud" * * There is also a parser function that uses {{#category-cloud:CategoryName}} * with optional parameters being includes as "|param=value". * * @addtogroup Extensions * @author Dylan R. E. Moonfire <> * @copyright © 2007 Dylan R. E. Moonfire * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 */
// Make sure we are being properly if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
echo( "This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software "
. "and cannot be used standalone.\n" );
die( -1 );
// Hook up into MediaWiki $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'categoryCloud'; $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'categoryCloudMagic'; $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'Category Cloud', 'author' => 'Dylan R. E. Moonfire', 'description' => 'Create a tag cloud using categories.', 'url' => '', 'version' => '0.4.0'
function categoryCloud() {
global $wgParser, $wgMessageCache;
// Set the hooks
$wgParser->setHook('category-cloud', 'categoryCloudRender');
$wgParser->setFunctionHook('category-cloud', 'categoryCloudFunction');
// Set our messages $wgMessageCache->addMessages( array(
=> 'CategoryCloud: Cannot find category attribute',
=> 'CategoryCloud: Category is empty: ',
=> 'CategoryCloud: Cannot parse parameter: ', )); }
// This manipulates the results of the CategoryCloud extension // into the same function as the <category-cloud> tag. function categoryCloudFunction($parser) { // Get the arguments
$fargs = func_get_args(); $input = array_shift($fargs);
// The first category is required $category = array_shift($fargs); $params = array(); $params["category"] = $category; $params["donotparse"] = 1;
// Split the rest of the arguments foreach ($fargs as $parm) { // Split it into its components $split = split("=", $parm);
if (!$split[1]) { return htmlspecialchars(wfMsg( 'categorycloud_cannotparse') . $parm); }
// Save it $params[$split[0]] = $split[1]; }
// Return the cloud return categoryCloudRender($input, $params, $parser); }
// Sets up the magic for the parser functions function categoryCloudMagic(&$magicWords, $langCode) { $magicWords['category-cloud'] = array(0, 'category-cloud'); return true; }
// The actual processing function categoryCloudRender($input, $args, &$parser) { // Imports global $wgOut;
// Profiling
// Disable the cache, otherwise the cloud will only update // itself when a user edits and saves the page. $parser->disableCache();
// Get the database handler and specific controls
$dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $pageTable = $dbr->tableName('page'); $categoryLinksTable = $dbr->tableName('categorylinks');
// Normalize the order $order = "name"; if (array_key_exists("order", $args)) $order = $args["order"];
if ($order != "count") $order = "name"; else // we want reverse $order = "count desc";
// Get the list of the subcategories and the number of children if (!array_key_exists("category", $args)) { return htmlspecialchars(wfMsg( 'categorycloud_missingcategory')); }
$categoryName = $args["category"];
// Build up an SQL of everything $categoryNamespace = 14; $sql = "SELECT p1.page_title as name, count(*) as count " . "FROM $categoryLinksTable cl, $categoryLinksTable cl2, " . " $pageTable p1, $pageTable p2 " . "WHERE cl.cl_to = " . $dbr->addQuotes($categoryName) . " AND cl.cl_from = p1.page_id " . " AND cl2.cl_to = p1.page_title " . " AND cl2.cl_from = p2.page_id " . " AND p1.page_namespace = $categoryNamespace " . " AND p1.page_id != p2.page_id " . "GROUP BY p1.page_title " . "ORDER BY $order"; $res = $dbr->query($sql);
if ($dbr->numRows( $res ) == 0) {
// Can't find category return htmlspecialchars(wfMsg( 'categorycloud_emptycategory') . $categoryName); }
// Build up an array and keep track of mins and maxes $minCount = -1; $maxCount = -1;
$countAll = 0; $total = 0;
$categories = array(); $names = array();
while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { // Pull out the fields $name = $row->name; $count = $row->count;
// Add it to the array and keep track of min/max $categories[$name] = $count; $names[] = $name; $countAll++; $total += $count;
if ($minCount < 0 || $minCount > $count) $minCount = $count;
if ($maxCount < 0 || $maxCount < $count) $maxCount = $count; }
// Figure out the averages and font sizes $minSize = 80; $maxSize = 125;
if (array_key_exists("minsize", $args)) $minSize = $args["minsize"]; if (array_key_exists("maxsize", $args)) $maxSize = $args["maxsize"];
$countDelta = $maxCount - $minCount; $sizeDelta = $maxSize - $minSize; $average = $total / $countAll;
// Create the tag cloud div $class = "category-cloud";
if ($args["class"]) $class = $args["class"];
$text = "// Go through the categories by name foreach ($names as $cat) { // Wrap the link in a size if ($countDelta == 0) $size = 100; else $size = (($categories[$cat] - $minCount) * $sizeDelta / $countDelta) + $minSize;
// Get the link $cat = str_replace("_", " ", $cat); $text .= " " . "$cat"; }
// Finish up
$text .= "// If donotparse is set to a value, then we don't want // to parse it into wiki text. if (array_key_exists("donotparse", $args)) { wfProfileOut('CategoryCloud::RenderNoParse'); return $text; }
// Parse the results into wiki text $output = $parser->parse($text, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions, true, false);
// Finish up and return the results
wfProfileOut('CategoryCloud::Render'); return $output->getText();