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                 <a href="">C. imager</a>
                 <a href="" class="active-a">C. imager</a>
                 <a href="" class="active-a">RNA Logic Gates & Recombinase</a>
                 <a href="">RNA Logic Gates & Recombinase</a>
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     <div class="title"><h1>RNA Logic Control Gates & Recombinase</h1>
     <div class="title">
    <h1>C. imager</h1>
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<dd data-magellan-arrival="Source">Source<a href="#Source"></a></dd>
        <dd data-magellan-arrival="overviewoncaulobactercrescentus"><a href="#overviewoncaulobactercrescentus">Overview</a></dd>
<dd data-magellan-arrival="Prototype">Prototype<a href="#Prototype"></a></dd>
        <dd data-magellan-arrival="lifecycleandnutritionalprovide"><a href="#lifecycleandnutritionalprovide">Life Cycle and Nutritional Provide</a></dd>
<dd data-magellan-arrival="Inspiration">Inspiration<a href="#Inspiration"></a></dd>
        <dd data-magellan-arrival="dgradgrb"><a href="#dgradgrb">DgrA DgrB</a></dd>
<dd data-magellan-arrival="Blueprint">Blueprint<a href="#Blueprint"></a></dd>
                            <dd data-magellan-arrival="hf"><a href="#hf">HfiA HfsJ</a></dd>
<dd data-magellan-arrival="Recombinase">Recombinase<a href="#Recombinase"></a></dd>
                            <dd data-magellan-arrival="circuitbasedonlight"><a href="#circuitbasedonlight">Circuit Based on Light</a></dd>
                            <dd data-magellan-arrival="conjugation"><a href="#conjugation">Conjugation</a></dd>
     <div class="text">
     <div class="text">
  <a name="Source"></a>
<h2 data-magellan-destination="Source">Source</h2>
          <a name="overviewoncaulobactercrescentus"></a>
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="overviewoncaulobactercrescentus">Overview on Caulobacter Crescentus</h4>
          <p>Caulobacter crescentus is a kind of bacteria with many necessity for our project: <i>C.crescentus</i> has a special life cycle, including swarmed period when <i>C.crescentus</i> possesses flagellum in one pole and stalked period when they cut up flagellum and develop an extremely strong polar adhesive envelope structure known as the holdfast which is composed of protein and polysaccharide. According to the research, when a holdfast clings to a surface, the force on it reaches 68 N/mm2 high, which is regarded as the strongest biological glue known to exist in nature and is three times stronger as commercial 'super glue'. With the knowledge we have already known, if we are able to regulate the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast simultaneously with flourescent proteins controlled by light input, <i>C.crescentus</i> will stop swimming, develop holdfast to stay firmly and evenly on the plate while expressing flourescent proteins corresponding to light color simulation.<p/>
      <p>After a long period of development, the traditional logic gates in iGEM comes up with a series of limits, such as a usual plasmid that cannot hold a big system of its size, and when applied to another species, there are always lots of bugs, and the number of interaction between DNA and protein used as logic gate is not enough to allow us to build up a system big enough to imitate natural logic gates system.</p>
<figure style="text-align:center">
<img src="" class="th"/>
Fig.1 Measurement of the size of holdfast of <em> C.crescentus</em> by AFM.(PNAS 2006,103-15)
      <p>Considering this condition, apocalyptoed by the interactions of proteins in eucells, like the G protein signal passageway, we come up with the idea that we can use items that are “of all the same” as elements in the logic passageways,for future of our project. </p>
<p>In order to realize the blueprint of our design, we have these works to do as following: <p/>
          <li>Figure out the exact proteins regulating the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast or keeping bacteria staying in a relatively narrow place and then construct a circuit which contains controlling proteins triggered or inhibited by light signal.</li>
          <li>Discover some methods to transfer accomplished light sensing-imaging systems working in <i>E. coli</i> into C.crescentus. </li>
          <li>Confirm the exact nutrition conditions for an even <i>C.crescentus</i> biofilm genesis with modeling work and lab tests.<br/>
<a name="Prototype"></a>
<h2 data-magellan-destination="Prototype">Prototype</h2>
      <p>As is well known, RNA is considered as the start of life. Also, there are reports about using programmed DNA strings as calculation elements to compute Tic-Tac-Toe game. Thus we came up with the idea that use nucleic acid as elements, being more specificly, we chose hammerhead ribozyme which tends to cut itself at special cleavage site when its activity center is of right secondary structure.</p>
          <p>Here, we are attempting to introduce the whole view of this amazing bacteria for you to better understande our project and its specialty. <p/>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" class="th" \><figcaption>
          <a name="lifecycleandnutritionalprovide"></a> 
Fig.1 The structure of a sort of ribozyme.
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="lifecycleandnutritionalprovide">Life Cycle and Nutritional Provide</h4>
          <p>The cyclic developmental program of <em>Caulobacter crescentus</em> starts with a stalked cell with a polar adhesive holdfast at the tip of the stalk. The stalked cell firstly turns into S phase when it is time for DNA replication. At that time, the bacteria grow up into pre-divisional cells. Later the cell enters the G2 phase when the cell becomes incompetent for DNA replication and it keep growing until finally compartmentalizing into two cells, either of who contains stalk and flagellum in one pole. For the swarmer cell which possesses flagellum, the rotation of flagellum is activated and two pili are generated as well. The swarmer one enters <i>G1</i> phase when its chromosome is different from the stalked one and it cannot reproduce itself. However, in <i>G1</i> phase, the holdfast is formed predominantly in the swarmer cell stage and these swarmer cells reenter S phase like a cell differentiation process exactly simultaneously when rotating flagellum disappears and holdfast is synthesized. As the research says, the development of stalk and holdfast help <em>C.crescentus</em> to live in some tough surroundings and enhance its ability to absorb phosphate passively when nutrition provide is limited and swimming using flagellum waste the energy that is original manuscript for necessary metabolism. Scientists found that <i>Pst</i> family correlate the length of stalk. As the hypothesis contains, if it is correct, stalk elongation may function to elevate single cell away from surface thus bacteria receive much high-level nutrient flux and if <em>C.crescentus</em> colonize with other organisms, stalk ensures bacteria to have greater access to nutrients comparing to other nearby surface species to be superior in competition and survival. Consequently, C.crescentus is able to survive without flagellum and even much more stronger when containing holdfast.<p/>
<a name="Inspiration"></a>
<h2 data-magellan-destination="Inspiration">Inspiration</h2>
      <p>The pattern of our project was from two elite works: the paper of Robert Pankovsky. From the first one we established the strategy of controling the activity of a ribozyme by a short RNA. After cleavage, the short RNA resulted from cleavage can also be used to modify another ribozyme. After calculation, the sequence is determined,and four basic types of gates(AND, OR, NO, YES) are formed, thus forming the basic pattern of our project. Another is the theory that if a ribozyme is assembled in front of a sequence that codes protein, the coding sequence can still work if there is a spacer. However, after cleavage, for the coding sequence lost the protection in front of it, it will be digested by nucleic acid exonuclease faster and the expression of protein will decline. </p>
<figure style="text-align:center">
<a name="Blueprint"></a>
<img style="height: 450px;"src="" class="th"/>
<h2 data-magellan-destination="Blueprint">Blueprint</h2>
Fig.2 Life cycle of <em>C.crescentus</em> (Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev 2010,74(1):13)
      <li>theophylline sensor passage</li>
      <p>The ribozyme fused with an aptamer is put in front of a GFP sequence. When theophylline is added, the cleavage is induced and the expression of protein declines. The whole RNA uses a Lac promoter.</p>
          <p>In accordance with recent research, many kinds of proteins are assistedly, antagonistically or stimulatively working for a distinct process during the life cycle of <em>C.crescentus</em> such as RodA and MreB are required for stalk synthesis and prevetion of ectopic pole formation, PodJ is an organelle development protein that differently localized and required for polar targeting on PleC development regulator, sigma-factor is also required for polar morphogensis and normal celldivision, BapE DNA endonuclease induces an apoptotic-like response to DNA damage which is useful for future kill switch design and SpmX localizaion relates to stalk position not only working in <em>C.crescentus</em>, but in <em>A.xcentricus</em> and <em>A.biprosthecum</em> etc. <p/>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="1000" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.2 The principle of theophylline sensor passage.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.3 The schematic of theophylline sensor passage.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.4 Our test circuit design for theophylline sensor passage.
      <p>The ribozyme which loses its activity for secondary structure is set in front of a GFP, promoted by a continuous promoter, while a short RNA, the key of yes, is promoted by a Plac. When lac is added, the short RNA is expressed and activate the ribozyme. The cleavage is induced and the expression of protein declines.</p>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.5 The principle of YES gate.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.6 The schematic of YES gate.
<figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.7 Our test circuits design for YES gate.
<figure style="text-align:center">
      <p>The ribozyme is activated while the short RNA, key of no is no added. When lac is added, the short RNA combines with the ribozyme and restrains the cleavage, thus the level of GFP increases.</p>
<img style="height:350px;"src="" class="th"/>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.8 The principle of NO gate.
Fig.3 Stalk elongation may function to elevate single cells away from surfaces.(Communicative & Integrative Biology, 2013 6:4)
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.9 The schematic of NO gate.
          <p>In the whole life cycle of <em>C.crescentus</em>, we mostly focus on the process of degradation of flagellum and biosynthesis of holdfast. Thus, we will discuss the pathway of the two parts dividedly and design a reasonable circuit containing protein involved the pathway controlled by light signals. <p/>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.10 Our test circuit for NO gate.
          <a name="dgradgrb"></a>
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="dgradgrb">DgrA/DgrB</h4>
      <p>The ribozyme’s activity must be activated when the short RNA key of and_1 and key of and_2 are both transcribed, induced by <i>lac</i> and <i>arc</i>. </p>
          <p>The concentration of <i>c-di-GMP</i> is varying, and for our experiment we will promote its expression to inhibit rotation of flagella. It will bind to <i>DgrA</i> and <i>DgrB</i>. The resulting complex will have two routes to go: one is the [<i>c-di-GMP&amp</i>;<i>DgrA</i>] complex which will inhibit <i>FliL</i>, a protein bounds to the membrane playing a key role in rotation of flagella. The other route is that the <i>DgrB</i> will directly affect the rotation of the flagella.</p>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.11 The principle of AND gate.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.12 The schematic of AND gate.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="800" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.13 Our test circuit design for AND gate.
      <li>OR gate</li>
          <a name="hf"></a>
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="hf">HfiA/HfsJ</h4>
      <p>The ribozyme’s activity needs to be activated when the short RNA key of or_1 and key of or_2 are both transcribed, induced by lac and arc. </p>
          <p><i>Ref: A Cell Cycle and Nutritional Checkpoint Controlling Bacterial Surface Adhesion</i></p>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="700" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.14 The principle of OR gate.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.15 The schematic of OR gate.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="800" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.16 Our test circuit design for OR gate.
          <p>In this paper, author describes a novel regulatory mechanism by which the <i>C.c.</i> bacterium integrates cell cycle and nutritional signals to control development of an adhesive envelop structure known as holdfast.</p>
      <p>The RNA logic gates are expected to replaces some passage ways in our logic gates. In the future, improved programmes will be developed and every lab will be able to create parts that they need. For the arrangement of the sequence is varying, the limit of varieties of logic gates parts will be overcome and more categories of RNA elements will be developed. </p>
          <p>They discovered a novel inhibitor of holdfast development. <i>HfiA</i>, that is regulated downstream of <i>lovK-lovR</i>. They also discovered a bio-synthesis related gene named <i>HfsJ</i>. The suppressing mutations in HfsJ attenuate the <i>HfsJ-HfiA</i> interaction.</p>
<figure style="text-align:center">
<img style="height:450px;" src="" class="th"/>
Fig.4 Biosynthesis pathway of holdfast.
          <p>These results support a model in which <i>HfiA</i> inhibits holdfast development via direct interaction with an enzyme required for holdfast bio-synthesis.</p>
          <p>In conclusion, the author claimed that they demonstrated that the predicted glycosyltransferase, <i>HfsJ</i>, is a required component of the holdfast development machinery and that residues at the C-terminus of <i>HsfJ</i> mediate a direct interaction with <i>HfiA</i>, leading to a post-translational inhibition of <i>HfsJ</i>.</p>
          <a name="circuitbasedonlight"></a>
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="circuitbasedonlight">Circuit Based on Light</h4>
          <p>Integrating photographic system with motion control and holdfast biosynthesis control by light, we got the whole view of the concept of <em> C. imager </em>, the circuits are the following:<p/>
          <img src="" class="th" />
<a name="Blueprint"></a>
          <img src="" class="th" />  
<h2 data-magellan-destination="Blueprint">Blueprint</h2>
      <p>Owing to its specific DNA cutting and splicing features, recombinase have been very widely used in synthetic biology. Compared with the traditional protein regulatory pathway, recombinase can "write or erase" stable "permanent memory" in the cell, which can be passed on to future generations.</p>
      <p>In our task, the imaging process after sensitization relies on three different protein pathways. In theory, the colors°Ø duration time depends on the illumination time and the life duration of the chromoproteins. So in order to realize the film-like "photographic memory "feature, we introduced the idea of recombinase.</p>
      <p>In general, our thinking is like this: </p>
      <p>The expression levels of recombinase are under the control of the upstream sensitizing system .And the recombinase will cause the inversion of certain DNA fragments, which will finally result in permanent color display. Expression of the recombinase under the control of upstream sensitizing system is easy to implement via the previous pathway design. As for the recombinase-controlled color display circuits, its design and verification have been completed in 2012 by team KAIST, which changed the expression levels of different recombinase and achieved various color expression.</p>
          <p>In blue light system, darkness inhibits expression BFP and DgrA ,DgrB circuit, while blue light stimulates BFP expression and express DgrA and DgrB to let bacteria slow down. Blue light inhibits HfiA expression simultaneously, which leads to biosynthesis of holdfast to make bacteria adhere to surface more quickly.<p/>
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="600" class="th" \><figcaption>
Fig.17 The schematic of our idea.
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" class="th" \><figcaption>
          <img src="" class="th" />  
Fig.18 The experimental verification done by team KAIST. Specific colors were expressed under the control of different expression levels of recombinase.
      <p>In fact, this design makes it possible to adjust the color a single cell in. Given that the light-sensing system were replaced by another set of sensing system, the sensing signal would be converted to chromatographic output, which, compared to the traditional intensity-output system, not only make the results more intuitive, but also reduces the interference of the intensity due to environmental fluctuations.</p>
          <img src=" " class="th" />  
      <figure style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" class="th" \><figcaption>
          <p>In red light system, darkness inhibits expression mRFP and DgrA ,DgrB circuit as well, and red light guides BFP expression and produces DgrA and DgrB to cease flagellum rotation. Red light inhibits HfiA expression simultaneously, which leads to biosynthesis of holdfast to make bacteria adhere to surface more quickly.<p/>  
Fig.19 With the improved in-output system, the traditional output signal intensity was transformed into chromatography, which relies on the input signal and shows better anti-disturbance features.The top output bar represents the traditional output pattern, which can only presents a "deep-light" output and gets interference easily. The middle shows with three different kinds of matches of two chromoproteins, "red-green", "red-blue"& "green-blue", signals are output in chromatographies. The bottom provides expected effects of output with further improvement.
      <p>To realize the above vision completely, not only the precise modeling and analysis is needed, but also a lot of debugging work is inevitable and crucial (such as the expression level-upstream control curve, the effect of concentration on the activity of the enzyme reverse efficiency). And each time the debugging means a new plasmid construction, making it°Øs not a short-time work at all.</p>
          <a name="conjugation"></a>
          <h4 data-magellan-destination="conjugation">Conjugation</h4>
      <p>We have tried validating our design by experiment, but unfortunately, by the time constraint, only about two-thirds of plasmid construction work was completed.</p>
          <p>Due to <em>C. crescentus</em> 's special traits, the achievement in this bacteria would extremely maxmize effectness of photography.</p> 
          <p>Then how to guide plasmids into <em>C.crescentus</em> from <em>E.coli</em> which is used to amplify vectors? The first method that hits our mind is chemical conversion. But through the literature, the main ways to transfer plasmids into C.crescentus are conjugation, electrotransformation and transduction. We test the first two-methods and only conjugation works at last. Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material (plasmid) between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells. Conjugation, regarded as a key bridge bewteen <em>E.coli</em> and <em>C. crescentus</em>, will improve the stability and resolution of pictures. </p> 
          <p>Protocol of conjugation is the following:</p>  
      <li><i Robert Penchovsky & Ronald R Breaker /i> Computational design and experimental validation of oligonucleotide-sensing allosteric ribozymes</li>
      <li><a href="">2012 KAIST_Korea</a></li> 
      <li><a href="">Part BBa_K907000</a></li>
<li>Culture <i>C.crescentus</i> and <i>E. coli</i> S17-1 overnight with the liquid medium.When the OD of <em>C. crescentus</em> reaches 2 and S17-1’s reaches 0.5,we can stop cultivating.</li>
<li>Mix S17-1 and <em>C. crescentus</em>  in a volume ratio of 2:1.Centrifuge it with 4000r/min and suspend the thallus again with 200μl LB liquid medium.</li>
<li>Spread out an 0.45μm nitrocellulose filter on the LB solid medium without antibiotics.</li>
<li>Spread the mixed bacteria liquid in step 2 onto the filter and incubate it at 30℃ for 3-7h.</li>
<li>After incubation,elute the thallus from the filter with 200-1000μl LB liquid medium.</li>
<li>Spread it on the PYE solid medium with antibiotics and incubate it at 30℃.Then we can get the <em>C. crescentus</em> with the target vector.</li>

Latest revision as of 00:36, 18 October 2014

Overview on Caulobacter Crescentus

Caulobacter crescentus is a kind of bacteria with many necessity for our project: C.crescentus has a special life cycle, including swarmed period when C.crescentus possesses flagellum in one pole and stalked period when they cut up flagellum and develop an extremely strong polar adhesive envelope structure known as the holdfast which is composed of protein and polysaccharide. According to the research, when a holdfast clings to a surface, the force on it reaches 68 N/mm2 high, which is regarded as the strongest biological glue known to exist in nature and is three times stronger as commercial 'super glue'. With the knowledge we have already known, if we are able to regulate the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast simultaneously with flourescent proteins controlled by light input, C.crescentus will stop swimming, develop holdfast to stay firmly and evenly on the plate while expressing flourescent proteins corresponding to light color simulation.

Fig.1 Measurement of the size of holdfast of C.crescentus by AFM.(PNAS 2006,103-15)

In order to realize the blueprint of our design, we have these works to do as following:

  1. Figure out the exact proteins regulating the biosynthesis of flagellum and holdfast or keeping bacteria staying in a relatively narrow place and then construct a circuit which contains controlling proteins triggered or inhibited by light signal.
  2. Discover some methods to transfer accomplished light sensing-imaging systems working in E. coli into C.crescentus.
  3. Confirm the exact nutrition conditions for an even C.crescentus biofilm genesis with modeling work and lab tests.

Here, we are attempting to introduce the whole view of this amazing bacteria for you to better understande our project and its specialty.

Life Cycle and Nutritional Provide

The cyclic developmental program of Caulobacter crescentus starts with a stalked cell with a polar adhesive holdfast at the tip of the stalk. The stalked cell firstly turns into S phase when it is time for DNA replication. At that time, the bacteria grow up into pre-divisional cells. Later the cell enters the G2 phase when the cell becomes incompetent for DNA replication and it keep growing until finally compartmentalizing into two cells, either of who contains stalk and flagellum in one pole. For the swarmer cell which possesses flagellum, the rotation of flagellum is activated and two pili are generated as well. The swarmer one enters G1 phase when its chromosome is different from the stalked one and it cannot reproduce itself. However, in G1 phase, the holdfast is formed predominantly in the swarmer cell stage and these swarmer cells reenter S phase like a cell differentiation process exactly simultaneously when rotating flagellum disappears and holdfast is synthesized. As the research says, the development of stalk and holdfast help C.crescentus to live in some tough surroundings and enhance its ability to absorb phosphate passively when nutrition provide is limited and swimming using flagellum waste the energy that is original manuscript for necessary metabolism. Scientists found that Pst family correlate the length of stalk. As the hypothesis contains, if it is correct, stalk elongation may function to elevate single cell away from surface thus bacteria receive much high-level nutrient flux and if C.crescentus colonize with other organisms, stalk ensures bacteria to have greater access to nutrients comparing to other nearby surface species to be superior in competition and survival. Consequently, C.crescentus is able to survive without flagellum and even much more stronger when containing holdfast.

Fig.2 Life cycle of C.crescentus (Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev 2010,74(1):13)

In accordance with recent research, many kinds of proteins are assistedly, antagonistically or stimulatively working for a distinct process during the life cycle of C.crescentus such as RodA and MreB are required for stalk synthesis and prevetion of ectopic pole formation, PodJ is an organelle development protein that differently localized and required for polar targeting on PleC development regulator, sigma-factor is also required for polar morphogensis and normal celldivision, BapE DNA endonuclease induces an apoptotic-like response to DNA damage which is useful for future kill switch design and SpmX localizaion relates to stalk position not only working in C.crescentus, but in A.xcentricus and A.biprosthecum etc.

Fig.3 Stalk elongation may function to elevate single cells away from surfaces.(Communicative & Integrative Biology, 2013 6:4)

In the whole life cycle of C.crescentus, we mostly focus on the process of degradation of flagellum and biosynthesis of holdfast. Thus, we will discuss the pathway of the two parts dividedly and design a reasonable circuit containing protein involved the pathway controlled by light signals.


The concentration of c-di-GMP is varying, and for our experiment we will promote its expression to inhibit rotation of flagella. It will bind to DgrA and DgrB. The resulting complex will have two routes to go: one is the [c-di-GMP&amp;DgrA] complex which will inhibit FliL, a protein bounds to the membrane playing a key role in rotation of flagella. The other route is that the DgrB will directly affect the rotation of the flagella.


Ref: A Cell Cycle and Nutritional Checkpoint Controlling Bacterial Surface Adhesion

In this paper, author describes a novel regulatory mechanism by which the C.c. bacterium integrates cell cycle and nutritional signals to control development of an adhesive envelop structure known as holdfast.

They discovered a novel inhibitor of holdfast development. HfiA, that is regulated downstream of lovK-lovR. They also discovered a bio-synthesis related gene named HfsJ. The suppressing mutations in HfsJ attenuate the HfsJ-HfiA interaction.

Fig.4 Biosynthesis pathway of holdfast.

These results support a model in which HfiA inhibits holdfast development via direct interaction with an enzyme required for holdfast bio-synthesis.

In conclusion, the author claimed that they demonstrated that the predicted glycosyltransferase, HfsJ, is a required component of the holdfast development machinery and that residues at the C-terminus of HsfJ mediate a direct interaction with HfiA, leading to a post-translational inhibition of HfsJ.

Circuit Based on Light

Integrating photographic system with motion control and holdfast biosynthesis control by light, we got the whole view of the concept of C. imager , the circuits are the following:

In blue light system, darkness inhibits expression BFP and DgrA ,DgrB circuit, while blue light stimulates BFP expression and express DgrA and DgrB to let bacteria slow down. Blue light inhibits HfiA expression simultaneously, which leads to biosynthesis of holdfast to make bacteria adhere to surface more quickly.

In red light system, darkness inhibits expression mRFP and DgrA ,DgrB circuit as well, and red light guides BFP expression and produces DgrA and DgrB to cease flagellum rotation. Red light inhibits HfiA expression simultaneously, which leads to biosynthesis of holdfast to make bacteria adhere to surface more quickly.


Due to C. crescentus 's special traits, the achievement in this bacteria would extremely maxmize effectness of photography.

Then how to guide plasmids into C.crescentus from E.coli which is used to amplify vectors? The first method that hits our mind is chemical conversion. But through the literature, the main ways to transfer plasmids into C.crescentus are conjugation, electrotransformation and transduction. We test the first two-methods and only conjugation works at last. Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material (plasmid) between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells. Conjugation, regarded as a key bridge bewteen E.coli and C. crescentus, will improve the stability and resolution of pictures.

Protocol of conjugation is the following:

  1. Culture C.crescentus and E. coli S17-1 overnight with the liquid medium.When the OD of C. crescentus reaches 2 and S17-1’s reaches 0.5,we can stop cultivating.
  2. Mix S17-1 and C. crescentus in a volume ratio of 2:1.Centrifuge it with 4000r/min and suspend the thallus again with 200μl LB liquid medium.
  3. Spread out an 0.45μm nitrocellulose filter on the LB solid medium without antibiotics.
  4. Spread the mixed bacteria liquid in step 2 onto the filter and incubate it at 30℃ for 3-7h.
  5. After incubation,elute the thallus from the filter with 200-1000μl LB liquid medium.
  6. Spread it on the PYE solid medium with antibiotics and incubate it at 30℃.Then we can get the C. crescentus with the target vector.