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<p> Visit the <a href="" >Safety Hub</a> to see this year's safety requirements. The Safety Hub is the central page for everything related to safety in iGEM. You can also go there to learn about general biosafety topics, and how to think about the future implications of your project.</p>
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<h3> Your Lab </h3>
<p> Use this section to tell us about your laboratory. Where is it located? What sort of equipment do you use every day? Have you decorated it for the summer? How do you look wearing a lab coat? Take pictures! Show off your space! </p>  
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Image:Example2_Lab_1.png|The building our lab is in!
Image:Example2_Lab_2.png|The inside of our lab!
Image:Example2_Lab_3.png|Team Member 3 doing an experiment
Image:Example2_Lab_4.png|Working in biosafety cabinets
Image:Example2_Lab_5.png|Team all gloved up and ready for work!
Image:Example2_Lab_6.png|Equipment that we use to do SCIENCE!
Image:Example2_Lab_7.png|We decorated this part of our lab
Image:Example2_Lab_8.png|Whatever else you want
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          <h2><b>Safety</b> </h2>
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We aim to create an engineered E. coli which capable to measure the concentration of glucose in honey by calibrating the color of E. coli medium using android-based mobile phone. In our project we create a novel circuit without producing any biosynthesis product. So, there’s no risk in commerce or industry. In this safety page, we divided our safety procedure into 3 general title, which are:<br>
<li> <b>Now :</b>  Read the <a href="">Safety Hub </a> and learn about safety in iGEM. Ask questions by emailing safety at <i> igem DOT org </i>. </li>
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<li><b>Now - Jamboree:</b> Complete <b>Check-Ins</b> and receive approval before acquiring and using certain materials in your lab</li>
<li>1. Safety Rules in Laboratory</li>
<li><b>Now - Wiki Freeze:</b> Edit this Safety page to tell us about what you're doing</li>
<li>2. Safety Project</li>
<li><b>June 9: </b>Submit the About Our Lab form.</li>
<li>3. Safety Form</li><br><br></ul>
<li><b>Let us know by June 25 </b>if you will need an extension on the Preliminary Version, or your Preliminary Version will be significantly incomplete.</li>
<center><center><img src=""style="width:800px;height:400px;"/></center></center>
<li><b>June 30: </b>Submit the Preliminary Version of the <b>Safety Form</b>.</li>
<li>Participate in Virtual Open Office Hours to ask questions and discuss safety topics (exact date to be determined).</li>
<li><b>September 1:</b> Submit the Final Version of the Safety Form.</li>
<li><b>October: </b> Wiki freeze (exact date to be determined)</li>
<li><b>October 30 - November 3: </b>GIANT JAMBOREE!</li>
<h2>1.Safety Rules in Laboratory</h2>
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<p>The basic rules in our laboratory are:</P>
        <p> a. Everyone has been trained before participate the laboratory experiment. The training covered several topics, such as basic information of IGEM and synthetic biology, technique of DNA isolation and handling, cutting and joining of DNA, plasmid transformation, handling the synthetic biology waste and basic rules of laboratory safety.<br><br>
b. Everyone who works in the laboratory should follow the basic standard of laboratory safety, such as wearing safety cloth (lab coat, rubber gloves, and surgery mask).<br><br>
c. In order to minimize the contamination, we do the experiment in laminar air flow (clean bench), following the standard procedure.<br><br>
d. Laboratory activities were done by the students under supervision of instructors.<br><br>
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<center><center><img src=""style="width:480px;height:359px;"/></center></center>
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<h2>2. Safety Project </h2>
We are working with 2 types of E. coli strain; they are E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli DH5α. Both of strain are classified in biosafety level 1 and including to risk group number 1 (low risk).  It does not cause disease in healthy of adult humans and also does not have any additional safety precautions. We handle the organism safely by keep it into the safe place in our laboratory. We work in the lab where not all people have access to enter the lab.<br>
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        <p> Our project resulted biological waste. In order to dispose the biological wastes (for example used pipette tip), according the standard of laboratory safety, we collect them together in a certain box with label and decontaminated the autoclave before disposal or destroyed; the liquid waste such as cell culture and agar plate treated by decontamination with autoclave according to the laboratory standard operational procedures and dispose the material to the sanitary sewer system.<br><br>
We use lab coat, rubber gloves and surgery mask in order to minimize contamination of the experiment whether in the laboratory or workshop for the society.
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<center><center><img src=""style="width:480px;height:359px;"/></center></center>
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<h2>3. About our safety</h2>
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<li>Link to "Our Lab Form" <a href =""></a></li>
<li>Link to “Safety Form” <a href =""> </a></li>
<li>Link to “Check-in” <a href =""> </a></li>
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Latest revision as of 08:57, 19 February 2015

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iGEM Sumbawagen 2014 · Econey

We aim to create an engineered E. coli which capable to measure the concentration of glucose in honey by calibrating the color of E. coli medium using android-based mobile phone. In our project we create a novel circuit without producing any biosynthesis product. So, there’s no risk in commerce or industry. In this safety page, we divided our safety procedure into 3 general title, which are:
  • 1. Safety Rules in Laboratory
  • 2. Safety Project
  • 3. Safety Form

1.Safety Rules in Laboratory

The basic rules in our laboratory are:

a. Everyone has been trained before participate the laboratory experiment. The training covered several topics, such as basic information of IGEM and synthetic biology, technique of DNA isolation and handling, cutting and joining of DNA, plasmid transformation, handling the synthetic biology waste and basic rules of laboratory safety.

b. Everyone who works in the laboratory should follow the basic standard of laboratory safety, such as wearing safety cloth (lab coat, rubber gloves, and surgery mask).

c. In order to minimize the contamination, we do the experiment in laminar air flow (clean bench), following the standard procedure.

d. Laboratory activities were done by the students under supervision of instructors.

2. Safety Project

We are working with 2 types of E. coli strain; they are E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli DH5α. Both of strain are classified in biosafety level 1 and including to risk group number 1 (low risk). It does not cause disease in healthy of adult humans and also does not have any additional safety precautions. We handle the organism safely by keep it into the safe place in our laboratory. We work in the lab where not all people have access to enter the lab.

Our project resulted biological waste. In order to dispose the biological wastes (for example used pipette tip), according the standard of laboratory safety, we collect them together in a certain box with label and decontaminated the autoclave before disposal or destroyed; the liquid waste such as cell culture and agar plate treated by decontamination with autoclave according to the laboratory standard operational procedures and dispose the material to the sanitary sewer system.

We use lab coat, rubber gloves and surgery mask in order to minimize contamination of the experiment whether in the laboratory or workshop for the society.

3. About our safety

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