Team:DTU-Denmark/Achievements/Interlab study


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<h2>Biosafety vs. bioethics - who cares and what is the difference?</h2>
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WE CARE… At the 2014 DTU iGEM team we believe that it is our responsibility as researchers to ensure that the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) we create and handle on a daily basis do not cause any harm to the health of people nor harm the environment. Synthetic biology offers a lot of great opportunities, but also includes handling of different hazards that the scientists need to be aware of to be able to minimize potential risks. We have therefore considered both the biosafety as well as the bioethics of our project. We have chosen to distinguish between the two according the the definition given by the World Health Organisation:
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    <li>Biosafety: <i>“The prevention of unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxins, or their accidental release, whereas biosecurity is the prevention of loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release of pathogens and toxins.” </i></li>
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    <li>Bioethics: <i>‘’The study of the ethical and moral implications of biological discoveries, biomedical advances and their applications, as in the fields of genetic engineering and drug research.’’</i></li>
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<pageheader>Interlab Study</pageheader>
<ul id="labline" style="height:175px;">
<li id="LAB-CONSTRUCT" style="top:20px; left:17px;"><a class="scrollable" target="construct-strains-div">Construct Strains</a>
<li id="LAB-STANDARDSERIES" style="top:20px; left:346px;"><a class="scrollable" style="top:4px" target="Fluor-div">Fluorescence Measurements on Constructed Strains</a>
<li id="LAB-DEGRADATION" style="top:20px; left:675px;"><a class="scrollable" style="top:4px" target="single-cell-div">Single Cell Fluorescence Quantification</a>
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Below, we have explained how we have implemented safety in our daily wetlab work to avoid any release of GMOs, hazardous chemicals etc., as well as to ensure the safety of the researchers (ourselves) when handling the biological as well as chemical agents. If you want to know more about our considerations on bioethics, please visit the Ethics section [link].  
On this page you find the results that we achieved during our Interlab Study experiments. Please use the above bars to navigate around the page. You can read about the Interlab Study <a href="">here</a>. <br><br>
<h2>How we handled the safety</h2>
<div id="construct-strains-div">
<h2>Construct Strains</h2>
When carrying out an experimental project, safety precautions regarding the work routines in the laboratory need to be considered to avoid personal injuries or leakage of (potentially) dangerous biological or chemical agents to the environment.  
We constructed multiple strains expressing GFP from different promoters of the Andersen Library.
12 out of the 15 promoters we intended to use were successfully transformed into DH5&alpha;. These 12 constructed strains were applied in the further analysis of the relatively promoter activity. The promoters J23111, J23117 J23109 were not successfully cloned into <i>E. coli</i>. We did not detect any fluorescence signal from these strains and our sequencing results confirmed that they were not correctly constructed. These 3 strains were excluded from the dataset. To measure the background signal a strain containing the E0240 BioBrick (GFP without any promoter) was used. A strain with the I20260 BioBrick was also applied. The I20260 BioBrick also contain the J23101 promoter upstream of GFP, but is present in another backbone than the remaining promoters.
<div id="Fluor-div">
<h2>Fluorescence Measurement on Cultures</h2>
Fluorescence was measured in the BioLector. A BioLector flower plate was inoculated with 15000 fold diluted O/N culture of the 12 above mentioned strains, the inoculations were performed in triplicates. Biomass and fluorescence were measured during growth.
Fluorescence signal through the growth was normalized by dividing by OD620. The average of the fluorescence is illustrated in the bar chard below, together with the expected values relative to the J23100 promoter. Orange is the expected values and gray indicates our measured fluorescence signal. The values indicated in the bar chart are mean values of all the measurements taken during a 3-hour period, with 4.88 min intervals. For more details on the measured values and the complete dataset look at the <a href="">interlab form</a>.
The data was analyzed by fitting a statistical mixed model to the data, using the lmerTest package in R. The different promoters were modeled as a fixed effect, and replicates were modeled as a random effect. The estimated means for each promoter and the standard error of the mean can be seen in the chart below.
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<p class="figure-text"><b>Figure 1 </b>The detected fluorescence signal, with standard deviations, from 11 different Anderson promoters, presented as orange brackets. Gray brackets illustrate the expected fluorescence signal, calculated as a value relative to J23100. I20260 is also containing the J23100 promoter, but at another backbone. </p>
In two of the triplicate sets, one outlier was excluded: For the promoter J23100, one replicate did not show significant growth. For promoter J23102 one replicate had negligible fluorescence. <br>
The background-subtracted values were calculated by subtracting the mean of E0240 from the other means. The replicate standard deviation was estimated to be 0.014, meaning that the effect of using multiple replicates contributes a random effect distributed with this standard deviation. The residual standard deviation was estimated to be 0.040, meaning that the random effect of taking multiple measurements on the same sample has this standard deviation. <br>
From the data we conclude that many off the evaluated promoter activities are to some extend in agreement with the expected activity. However it seems that the weak promoters are rather difficult to measure in the BioLector. We consider it an opportunity that the J23118 and J23119 at some point can have been exchange by mistake since these show reverse tendencies. However we believe that we have been careful with marking our tubes and keeping track on our samples. 
This interlab study is a contribution to the bigger research collaboration. It will be interesting to see contributions from the other labs and whether these are in agreement with our obtained data.
<div id="single-cell-div">
<h2>Single Cell Fluorescence Quantification</h2>
To measure the fluorescence associated with individual cells Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) was applied on the cultures. We selected 5 promoters with significant difference in activity for measurement. 
Histograms of fluorescence values for each construct are shown below. At least 100,000 cells were measured for each construct. Values on the X-axes are log10-values of the fluorescence measurements.</br>
For each construct, a threshold was determined to split the measurements into high-fluorescence and low-fluorescence cells (indicated with a red line on the figures below). The high-fluorescence sub-datasets were log10-transformed and a normal distribution was fitted. Mean and standard deviation for the log-normal distributions are reported below each histogram. The vertical red line indicates the threshold.</br>
All members of the team that have been actively involved in the laboratory work have received a general safety instruction to the laboratory, in which we have carried out the main part of our research for the iGEM project, by team advisor Ali Altintas prior to starting the work. We also identified when to use personal safety gear such as gloves, safety glasses etc.
In Denmark all laboratories are classified according to the organisms that are handled and different requirements apply to the different laboratories. At DTU, local safety groups are responsible for the safety in the laboratories in the different research groups and departments. These groups specify the rules that every researcher need to follow during their work, and the laboratories are frequently checked by the Danish Working Environment Authority.
<!-- Histograms -->
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On top of the aforementioned division of laboratories into different classes, the laboratories we worked in was also divided into different areas according to what to work with: LAF-bench for sterile work, fume hood for handling of volatile and organic solvents, an area for gel-electrophoresis and gel-analysis due to the involvement of ethidium-bromide etc.
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<h3>Knowing your organism</h3>
GMO or not, you should always know the characteristics of the organism you work with. Is it a human pathogen, does it produce any harmful secondary metabolites, is it a GMO etc.? These are all relevant questions that need to be addressed prior to entering the laboratory.
<p class="figure-text"><b>Figure 2: </b>Histograms obtained from FACS measurements on strains with different plasmids containing GFP after the 4 promoters J23101, J23115, J23118, J23119 and the I20260 with J23101 followed by GFP. Mean and standard deviation is given in the histograms. The vertical red line indicates the threshold.
In our project we work exclusively with E. coli. The strains we work with are GMOs but with a generally regarded as safety status, meaning that the health risks involved in working with them are minimal. Furthermore these strains will not survive well in nature, but extensive care should still be taken to ensure that they do not escape the laboratory.
As we observe from these histograms the J23118 and J23119 are the strongest promoters. This is in agreement with the above described fluorescence measurement on the cell cultures. Here J23115 also induces the weakest signal.
Thus the main safety concern when working with these organisms is to keep all GMO material inside GMO designated areas (i.e. the laboratory). Rule number one in preventing GMO escape to the environment is to carefully wash hands before leaving the laboratory and never wear lab coats outside the lab area. Furthermore overcoats, cell phones, bags etc. are not allowed in any laboratory.
For more detailed information on the instruments used, settings and the measured quantities see the filled out <a href="">interlab form</a>.
Another concern is the disposal of GMO waste. All trash that has been in contact with GMOs must be thrown out in special GMO trash containers. The bags from these containers are emptied regularly into locked containers from where they are transported by special transports to get properly disposed of.
Liquid cultures of GMO are disposed of in separate containers and treated with perfektan. The concentration of perfektan needed and the exposure time of perfektan to the liquid GMO cultures depends on the culture mix. Specific instructions can be found <a href=””>here</a>. After successful treatment with perfektan the liquid can be disposed of in the sink.
Additionally, the areas in which the work with GMO is carried out should be cleaned meticulously with 70% ethanol. This is both to avoid the GMO from spreading but also to avoid cross-contamination experiments carried out in the working area.  
<h3>Knowing your chemicals</h3>
Most of the chemicals involved in our experiments are harmless or only dangerous if they come in contact with eyes, are swallowed etc. However, one frequently used chemical that deserves extra attention - ethidium bromide. This compound is used for gel electrophoresis, and is carcinogenic. Thus, we worked with it in designated areas: at separate benches for gels, where gloves should be worn. Gloves are <i>not</i> to be worn anywhere else in the lab, except when working with other dangerous chemicals, in which case they must be taken off immediately after, and the affected area cleaned with 70% ethanol.
Besides ethidium bromide, known to require extra precautions, whenever starting a new experiment, the material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for the specific chemicals used in the experiments should be looked up, to know how to handle them. When working at Technological University of Denmark, MSDS’s are administered by, but be aware that your institution probably uses another provider.
After running a gel it is often necessary to cut out specific bands for purification. This requires illumination with UV light. To protect the skin from the UV irradiation, we wear protective masks and gloves. The gloves also protect against the ethidium bromide in the gel, discussed above, and should be thrown out after use. The scalpel is not to be used for any other purpose and should always be handled wearing gloves.
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<h2>Lab safety checklist!</h2>
<p>If you are going to work in the laboratory, check if you are ready to enter the lab and start the work with these simple recommendations: </p>
    <li>Get a proper introduction to the lab(s) that you are going to work in.</li>
    <li>Get acquainted with the safety rules and what to do in case of an emergency e.g. fire, spillage etc..</li>
    <li>Plan your work in the laboratory:<ul>
    <li>Read the protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) you are going to follow during your work</li>
    <li>Identify when to use personal safety gear and what is the right gear such as gloves, safety glasses etc.</li>
    <li>Book the right equipment e.g.. fume hoods, LAF-benches or centrifuges that you are going to use and get acquainted with it prior to usage.</li>
    <li>Identify your limitations and when you need a second pair of hands to be able to perform the experiments.</li>
    <li>Always plan to work in the laboratory when other people are present - NEVER work alone</li></ul></li>
    <li>Know your:<ul>
    <li>Chemicals, how to handle and dispose them - look up the MSDSs for each of the chemicals</li>
    <li>Organisms and how to dispose them - are they generally regarded as safe or are they pathogenic and need extra caution</li></ul></li>
    <li>Know who to ask/call to get your questions answered and remember, there are no stupid questions.</li>
Have fun and be safe!

Latest revision as of 01:42, 18 October 2014

Interlab Study
On this page you find the results that we achieved during our Interlab Study experiments. Please use the above bars to navigate around the page. You can read about the Interlab Study here.

Construct Strains

We constructed multiple strains expressing GFP from different promoters of the Andersen Library. 12 out of the 15 promoters we intended to use were successfully transformed into DH5α. These 12 constructed strains were applied in the further analysis of the relatively promoter activity. The promoters J23111, J23117 J23109 were not successfully cloned into E. coli. We did not detect any fluorescence signal from these strains and our sequencing results confirmed that they were not correctly constructed. These 3 strains were excluded from the dataset. To measure the background signal a strain containing the E0240 BioBrick (GFP without any promoter) was used. A strain with the I20260 BioBrick was also applied. The I20260 BioBrick also contain the J23101 promoter upstream of GFP, but is present in another backbone than the remaining promoters.

Fluorescence Measurement on Cultures

Fluorescence was measured in the BioLector. A BioLector flower plate was inoculated with 15000 fold diluted O/N culture of the 12 above mentioned strains, the inoculations were performed in triplicates. Biomass and fluorescence were measured during growth. Fluorescence signal through the growth was normalized by dividing by OD620. The average of the fluorescence is illustrated in the bar chard below, together with the expected values relative to the J23100 promoter. Orange is the expected values and gray indicates our measured fluorescence signal. The values indicated in the bar chart are mean values of all the measurements taken during a 3-hour period, with 4.88 min intervals. For more details on the measured values and the complete dataset look at the interlab form.

The data was analyzed by fitting a statistical mixed model to the data, using the lmerTest package in R. The different promoters were modeled as a fixed effect, and replicates were modeled as a random effect. The estimated means for each promoter and the standard error of the mean can be seen in the chart below.

Figure 1 The detected fluorescence signal, with standard deviations, from 11 different Anderson promoters, presented as orange brackets. Gray brackets illustrate the expected fluorescence signal, calculated as a value relative to J23100. I20260 is also containing the J23100 promoter, but at another backbone.

In two of the triplicate sets, one outlier was excluded: For the promoter J23100, one replicate did not show significant growth. For promoter J23102 one replicate had negligible fluorescence.
The background-subtracted values were calculated by subtracting the mean of E0240 from the other means. The replicate standard deviation was estimated to be 0.014, meaning that the effect of using multiple replicates contributes a random effect distributed with this standard deviation. The residual standard deviation was estimated to be 0.040, meaning that the random effect of taking multiple measurements on the same sample has this standard deviation.
From the data we conclude that many off the evaluated promoter activities are to some extend in agreement with the expected activity. However it seems that the weak promoters are rather difficult to measure in the BioLector. We consider it an opportunity that the J23118 and J23119 at some point can have been exchange by mistake since these show reverse tendencies. However we believe that we have been careful with marking our tubes and keeping track on our samples.

This interlab study is a contribution to the bigger research collaboration. It will be interesting to see contributions from the other labs and whether these are in agreement with our obtained data.

Single Cell Fluorescence Quantification

To measure the fluorescence associated with individual cells Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) was applied on the cultures. We selected 5 promoters with significant difference in activity for measurement. Histograms of fluorescence values for each construct are shown below. At least 100,000 cells were measured for each construct. Values on the X-axes are log10-values of the fluorescence measurements.
For each construct, a threshold was determined to split the measurements into high-fluorescence and low-fluorescence cells (indicated with a red line on the figures below). The high-fluorescence sub-datasets were log10-transformed and a normal distribution was fitted. Mean and standard deviation for the log-normal distributions are reported below each histogram. The vertical red line indicates the threshold.

Figure 2: Histograms obtained from FACS measurements on strains with different plasmids containing GFP after the 4 promoters J23101, J23115, J23118, J23119 and the I20260 with J23101 followed by GFP. Mean and standard deviation is given in the histograms. The vertical red line indicates the threshold.

As we observe from these histograms the J23118 and J23119 are the strongest promoters. This is in agreement with the above described fluorescence measurement on the cell cultures. Here J23115 also induces the weakest signal.

For more detailed information on the instruments used, settings and the measured quantities see the filled out interlab form.