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       <p>Proin sollicitudin nibh ut dapibus vulputate.</p>
       <p>Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal? That is the question!</p>
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   <p style="margin:0 auto; color:#696969; width:960px; padding-top:20px; font-size:16px;"> results&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Achievement</p>  
   <p style="margin:0 auto; color:#696969; width:960px; padding-top:20px; font-size:16px;"> Results&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Achievements</p>  
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<p class="texte">Fusce et fermentum nibh. Aliquam ornare venenatis odio vel interdum. Ut egestas elementum dolor, sit amet interdum metus gravida id. Morbi dictum commodo ipsum, eu maximus lectus pretium vel. Vivamus sit amet sem orci. Nulla leo ante, interdum id eros nec, rutrum suscipit sapien. Aenean posuere mauris a nisl laoreet congue. Sed aliquam vulputate risus, ut bibendum ligula consequat vel. Proin rhoncus orci eu massa dapibus elementum. Duis eu lacinia velit. Ut lacinia eu sem suscipit euismod. Proin sollicitudin nibh ut dapibus vulputate.
<p class="title1" style="text-align:left;"> 2014 Giant Jamboree Results !</p>
Quisque nec tempus mi. Sed sit amet justo tellus. Vestibulum pulvinar viverra felis sed aliquet. Suspendisse sed turpis eu justo finibus dictum quis vel nisi. Mauris quis imperdiet sem. Aenean scelerisque commodo orci a varius. Integer turpis odio, elementum a venenatis vitae, ultricies quis quam. Phasellus cursus ligula vel ex rutrum placerat. Curabitur dictum nisi risus, eu finibus ex fringilla vitae. Aenean consequat, ante elementum viverra laoreet, arcu nulla aliquam velit, pretium imperdiet neque felis a diam. Suspendisse ultricies nisi non ex finibus pharetra ac et ipsum. Nulla vulputate dolor urna, et semper nisl tempor vitae. Sed cursus dolor ut consequat posuere.
<p class="texte">  
Ut at massa quam. Vestibulum rutrum dapibus tortor ut facilisis. Pellentesque condimentum quam id ante varius imperdiet. Quisque mauris urna, finibus in mauris vel, laoreet volutpat libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus non imperdiet nibh. Sed fringilla tristique metus, non fermentum quam tincidunt non. Praesent dictum faucibus massa, eu bibendum sapien iaculis in. Ut porta tortor eu elementum interdum. Vivamus non tempor ligula. In accumsan ligula non ligula aliquam, at dictum dolor cursus. Ut iaculis ultrices ex et faucibus. Praesent bibendum sagittis elit, eget ultricies dolor imperdiet id.
The 2014 Toulouse iGEM team had a lot of fun during the AMAZING Giant Jamboree in Boston ... And all the work done was rewarded by a GOLD medal and the Best Prize "Innovation in measurement" !  </p>
<p class="title1" style="text-align:left;">Let's sum up what we did during this summer!</p>
<p class="title2">First step...</p>
<p class="texte">
After a summer of hard work, our team is proud of the achieved results. The first step of our project was to have a <b>proof of concept</b> of the three functions requiered to fight against canker. The verifications of our genetic constructions were successful (PCR, Migration on an agarose gel and Sequencing). We could then proceed to specific test of the modules: capillary test, chitin beads test or fungicide tests.</p>
<p class="title2">Second step...</p>
<p class="texte">
Once these results obtained, we decided to move on to the next step: in order to get closer to our final objective, the three genetic modules have to be assembled and to be tested in <b>model plants</b>. In the short time we had, these tests were only performed with the antifungal module, but the results were very encouraging (See <a href="">3. In planta tests with SubtiTree</a> in the Fungicides module).  
<p class="title2">Third step...</p>
<p class="texte">
So encouraging that we moved on to the third step of our project and think about the <b>real injection of SubtiTree in diseased trees</b>. We then considered the <a href=""><b>spreading</b></a> problems and proposed different strategies to avoid this major issue. <a href=""><b>Modeling</b></a> enables us to predict the growth and the lifespan of SubtiTree in Plane Trees.  
<p class="title2">And what comes next?</p>
<p class="texte"> With  the support of Governmental institutions, scientific organizations and the popular enthusiasm raised by our project, we are still looking for the best way to continue and achieve our goal: save the plane trees and preserve the beauty of the Canal du Midi.<br>
However, SubtiTree's spreading must be controlled, fungicide production regulated, specifity improved, tests of the whole system performed. In a nutshell, we still have a lot of things to do even if we did our best during the whole summer!</p>
<p class="title2">iGEM Community</p>
<p class="texte">
Well aware that we are part of the <b>iGEM Community</b>, our team also worked for this community by improving the iGEMer's Bible: <a href="">the Registry of Standard Biological Parts</a>. <br>
We improved the EcAMP-1 BioBrick by adding a promotor, a RBS, but mainly by the addition of a STOP codon (<a href="">BBa_K1364019</a>).<br>
As <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> appears to be for us an  ideal chassis, we also developed new genetic tools to facilitate its utilization. Thanks to numerous interactions with other iGEM teams, we didn't see the time flying by during this <b>amazing summer</b> !</p>
<center><img style="width:550px; " src=""></center>
<p class="title2">It is better to have "well-made rather than a well-filled head"... (Michel de Montaigne)</p>
<p class="texte">We developed a deep <a href="">ethical questioning</a>, trying to understand the relationship between Science and the protection of the Beauty. We strongly believe that neglecting the ethical aspect in a scientific project is a mistake. All the team was involved in this part and the reflexions made were very profitable to us.</p>
<p class="texte">We filled the <a href="">2014 Judging Form</a> thanks to the following accomplishments:</p>
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  <p class="title1" style="text-align:left;">Medals Fulfillment</p>
  <table class="tablecontent">
<tr style="background-color:green; height:50px; color:#ffffff;font-weight:600;" >
<td style="border-bottom:4px solid #e5e6e6; border-top-left-radius:9px;"><center><br>Bronze Medal <img src="" class="imgcontenttable"/></center><br></td>
<td style="border-bottom:4px solid #e5e6e6;"><center><br>Silver Medal  <img src="" class="imgcontenttable"/></center><br></td>
<td style="border-bottom:4px solid #e5e6e6; border-top-right-radius:9px;"><center><br>Gold Medal<img src="" class="imgcontenttable"/></center><br></td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/>Register the team, have a great summer, and plan to have fun at the Jamboree</td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/>Experimentally validate that at least three new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction work as expected.</td>
<td><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Improve the function of an existing BioBrick Part or Device and improve the <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> genetic tools, enter this information in the Registry : <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364019</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364016</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364017</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364021</a>, </td>
<tr style="border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6">
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Successfully complete and submit this iGEM Judging form </td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/>Document the characterization of these three parts in the 'Main Page' of that Part's/Device's Registry entry
Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry:<br> <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364005</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364009</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364013.</a></td>
<td style="border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Your project may have implications for the environment, security, safety and ethics and/or ownership and sharing. Describe a novel approach that your team has used to help you and others consider these aspects of the design and outcomes of synthetic biology efforts. → <a href="" target="_blank">Ethic Part</a>  </td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Create and share a Description of the team’s project using the iGEM wiki and the team’s parts using the Registry Biological Parts </td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Submit these new part to the iGEM Parts Registry (submissions must adhere to the iGEM Registry guidelines)</td>
<td style="border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"> </td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Plan to present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree </td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Your project may have implications for the environment, security, safety and ethics and/or ownership and sharing. Describe one or more ways in which these or other broader implications have been taken into consideration in the design and execution of your project. → <a href="" target="_blank"> Ethical Page</a></td>
<td style="border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"></td>
<td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e6e6; border-top:1px solid #e5e6e6;"><img style="width:20px;" src="" class="imgcontenttableleft"/> Document at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device used in your project/central to your project and submit this part to the iGEM Registry : <a href="" target="_blank">BBa_K1364000</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364002</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364003</a>, <a href=""target="_blank">BBa_K1364005</a>. </td>
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Latest revision as of 19:07, 12 December 2014