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Any parts your team has created will appear in this table below:</td></tr>
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                                <li><a data-scroll href="#featured">Featured Parts</a>
                                <li><a data-scroll href="#table">Table of Parts</a>
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                        <h2>Featured Parts</h2>
                            <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321340</a></h3>
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                                        <p>N-terminal linker + double CBD</p>
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                                        <p>Double cellulose binding domain (dCBD) using two cellulose binding domains from <i>Trichoderma reesei</i> cellobiohydrolases, with an N-terminal linker and internal linker sequence between the two domains which are derived from the endogenous cellobiohydrolase linker sequence. This part is in RFC(25) Freiberg fusion format to allow for easy use in protein fusions. dCBD binding affinity for cellulose was <a href=""> characterised </a> using sfGFP fusions.
                        <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321339</a></h3>
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                                        <p>CBDcenA + Linker</p>
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                                        <p>Cellulose binding domain (CBD) of Endoglucanase A (cenA) from <i>Cellulomonas fimi</i> with an endogenous C-terminal linker. The part is in Freiburg format (RFC 25) for ease of use in protein fusions.</p>
                            <h3><a href=""> BBa_K1321014</a></h3>
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                                        <p>CBDcipA with N and C-terminal linker </p>
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                                        <p>This CBD is from the Cellulosomal -scaffolding protein A (cipA) of <i>Clostridium thermocellum </i> including the endogenous linker sequences at the N and C-terminus. It is in RFC25 format to allow for easy use in protein fusions. At present the cloning for these constructs is still in progress to correct an illegal EcoRI site which was identified in the parts with this CBD. This can be achieved with a silent mutation via site-directed mutagenesis and we aim to send these parts to the registry once this is complete.
                            <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321005</a></h3>
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                                        <p>Synthetic Phytochelatin (PC) EC20</p>
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                                        <p>A general heavy metal-binding peptide consisting of 20 Glu-Cys (EC) repeats in Freiburg format (RFC[25]) to allow for easy use in fusion proteins. We created a library of CBD fusions with this part.
                                <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321200</a></h3>
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                                        <p><i>Vitreoscilla</i> haemoglobin (VHb)</p>
                                    <div class="pure-u-2-3">
                                        <p>This part is a haemoglobin isolated from <i>Vitreoscilla</i> (VHb) which improves the metabolic function of obligate aerobes and facultative anaerobes in low-oxygen conditions. We used this part in <i> G. xylinus </i> to try and improve growth rate and cellulose production.
                            <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321300</a>, <a href="">BBa_K1321301</a> </h3>
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                                        <p>pSEVA331 and pSEVA321 backbones</p>
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                                        <p>These are two broad host range vector backbones for which we have demonstrated use in <i>E. coli</i> and <i>Gluconacetobacter xylinus </i>.
                            <h3><a href=""> BBa_K1321334</a>, <a href="">BBa_K1321335</a></h3>
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                                        <p>Cellulose synthase operon AcsAB and AcsCD</p>
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                                        <p>Designed and refactored from <i>G. xylinus</i>, this operon was inserted into <i>E.coli </i> for cellulose synthesis.
                            <h3><a href="">BBa_K1321305</a>,<a href=""> BBa_K1321306</a></h3>
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                                        <p><i>Gluconacetobacter xylinus</i> strains ATCC53582 and Kombucha Isolate</p>
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                                        <p>We created and characterised a library of parts for this organism, with the aim to increase the accessibility the chassis for future work in iGEM. By sharing these strains and their genomes on the registry we hope this will contribute to their ease of use and characterisation.
                <section id="table">
                    <h2>Table of Parts</h2>
<groupparts>iGEM014 Imperial</groupparts>
<groupparts>iGEM014 iGEM14_Imperial</groupparts>

Latest revision as of 03:59, 18 October 2014

Imperial iGEM 2014


Table of Parts

<groupparts>iGEM014 Imperial</groupparts>