(99 intermediate revisions not shown) |
Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <html> | | <html> |
- | <script style="text/javascript"> | + | <script src="//ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.7.2.js"></script> |
- | | + | <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script> |
- | //ページ内スクロール | + | <script type="text/javascript"> |
- | $(".menber_click").click(function () {
| + | |
- | var i = $(".member_click").index(this)
| + | |
- | var p = $(".member_introduction").eq(i).offset().top;
| + | |
- | $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: p }, 'fast');
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * bookblock.js v2.0.1
| + | |
- | * http://www.codrops.com
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * Licensed under the MIT license.
| + | |
- | * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * Copyright 2013, Codrops
| + | |
- | * http://www.codrops.com
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | ;( function( window ) {
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | 'use strict';
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // global
| + | |
- | var document = window.document,
| + | |
- | Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // https://gist.github.com/edankwan/4389601
| + | |
- | Modernizr.addTest('csstransformspreserve3d', function () {
| + | |
- | var prop = Modernizr.prefixed('transformStyle');
| + | |
- | var val = 'preserve-3d';
| + | |
- | var computedStyle;
| + | |
- | if(!prop) return false;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr{' + prop + ':' + val + ';}', function (el, rule) {
| + | |
- | computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop) : '';
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return (computedStyle === val);
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | function extend( a, b ) {
| + | |
- | for( var key in b ) {
| + | |
- | if( b.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
| + | |
- | a[key] = b[key];
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | return a;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | function BookBlock( el, options ) {
| + | |
- | this.el = el;
| + | |
- | this.options = extend( this.defaults, options );
| + | |
- | this._init();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | BookBlock.prototype = {
| + | |
- | defaults : {
| + | |
- | // vertical or horizontal flip
| + | |
- | orientation : 'vertical',
| + | |
- | // ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)
| + | |
- | direction : 'ltr',
| + | |
- | // speed for the flip transition in ms
| + | |
- | speed : 1000,
| + | |
- | // easing for the flip transition
| + | |
- | easing : 'ease-in-out',
| + | |
- | // if set to true, both the flipping page and the sides will have an overlay to simulate shadows
| + | |
- | shadows : true,
| + | |
- | // opacity value for the "shadow" on both sides (when the flipping page is over it)
| + | |
- | // value : 0.1 - 1
| + | |
- | shadowSides : 0.2,
| + | |
- | // opacity value for the "shadow" on the flipping page (while it is flipping)
| + | |
- | // value : 0.1 - 1
| + | |
- | shadowFlip : 0.1,
| + | |
- | // if we should show the first item after reaching the end
| + | |
- | circular : false,
| + | |
- | // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: ´#bb-nav-next´
| + | |
- | nextEl : '',
| + | |
- | // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the prev() function
| + | |
- | prevEl : '',
| + | |
- | // autoplay. If true it overwrites the circular option to true
| + | |
- | autoplay : false,
| + | |
- | // time (ms) between page switch, if autoplay is true
| + | |
- | interval : 3000,
| + | |
- | // callback after the flip transition
| + | |
- | // old is the index of the previous item
| + | |
- | // page is the current item´s index
| + | |
- | // isLimit is true if the current page is the last one (or the first one)
| + | |
- | onEndFlip : function(old, page, isLimit) { return false; },
| + | |
- | // callback before the flip transition
| + | |
- | // page is the current item´s index
| + | |
- | onBeforeFlip : function(page) { return false; }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _init : function() {
| + | |
- | // orientation class
| + | |
- | this.el.className += ' bb-' + this.options.orientation;
| + | |
- | // items
| + | |
- | this.items = Array.prototype.slice.call( this.el.querySelectorAll( '.bb-item' ) );
| + | |
- | // total items
| + | |
- | this.itemsCount = this.items.length;
| + | |
- | // current item´s index
| + | |
- | this.currentIdx = 0;
| + | |
- | // previous item´s index
| + | |
- | this.previous = -1;
| + | |
- | // show first item
| + | |
- | this.current = this.items[ this.currentIdx ];
| + | |
- | this.current.style.display = 'block';
| + | |
- | // get width of this.el
| + | |
- | // this will be necessary to create the flipping layout
| + | |
- | this.elWidth = this.el.offsetWidth;
| + | |
- | var transEndEventNames = {
| + | |
- | 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
| + | |
- | 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'transition': 'transitionend'
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' )];
| + | |
- | // support css 3d transforms && css transitions && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d
| + | |
- | this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms3d && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d;
| + | |
- | // initialize/bind some events
| + | |
- | this._initEvents();
| + | |
- | // start slideshow
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | this.options.circular = true;
| + | |
- | this._startSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _initEvents : function() {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var self = this;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | document.querySelector( this.options.nextEl ).addEventListener( 'click', function() { self._action( 'next' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | document.querySelector( this.options.nextEl ).addEventListener( 'touchstart', function() { self._action( 'next' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.prevEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | document.querySelector( this.options.prevEl ).addEventListener( 'click', function() { self._action( 'prev' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | document.querySelector( this.options.prevEl ).addEventListener( 'touchstart', function() { self._action( 'prev' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() { self._resizeHandler(); } );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _action : function( dir, page ) {
| + | |
- | this._stopSlideshow();
| + | |
- | this._navigate( dir, page );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _navigate : function( dir, page ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.isAnimating ) {
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | this.options.onBeforeFlip( this.currentIdx );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | this.isAnimating = true;
| + | |
- | // update current value
| + | |
- | this.current = this.items[ this.currentIdx ];
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( page !== undefined ) {
| + | |
- | this.currentIdx = page;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if ( dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
| + | |
- | if ( !this.options.circular && this.currentIdx === this.itemsCount - 1 ) {
| + | |
- | this.end = true;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | this.previous = this.currentIdx;
| + | |
- | this.currentIdx = this.currentIdx < this.itemsCount - 1 ? this.currentIdx + 1 : 0;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if ( dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
| + | |
- | if ( !this.options.circular && this.currentIdx === 0 ) {
| + | |
- | this.end = true;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | this.previous = this.currentIdx;
| + | |
- | this.currentIdx = this.currentIdx > 0 ? this.currentIdx - 1 : this.itemsCount - 1;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | this.nextItem = !this.options.circular && this.end ? this.current : this.items[ this.currentIdx ];
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | this.items.forEach( function( el, i ) { el.style.display = 'none'; } );
| + | |
- | if ( !this.support ) {
| + | |
- | this._layoutNoSupport( dir );
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | this._layout( dir );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _layoutNoSupport : function(dir) {
| + | |
- | this.nextItem.style.display = 'block';
| + | |
- | this.end = false;
| + | |
- | this.isAnimating = false;
| + | |
- | var isLimit = dir === 'next' && this.currentIdx === this.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && this.currentIdx === 0;
| + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | this.options.onEndFlip( this.previous, this.currentIdx, isLimit );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // creates the necessary layout for the 3d structure and triggers the transitions
| + | |
- | _layout : function(dir) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var self = this,
| + | |
- | // basic structure: 1 element for the left side.
| + | |
- | s_left = this._addSide( 'left', dir ),
| + | |
- | // 1 element for the flipping/middle page
| + | |
- | s_middle = this._addSide( 'middle', dir ),
| + | |
- | // 1 element for the right side
| + | |
- | s_right = this._addSide( 'right', dir ),
| + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | o_left = s_left.querySelector( 'div.bb-overlay' ),
| + | |
- | o_middle_f = s_middle.querySelector( 'div.bb-front' ).querySelector( 'div.bb-flipoverlay' ),
| + | |
- | o_middle_b = s_middle.querySelector( 'div.bb-back' ).querySelector( 'div.bb-flipoverlay' ),
| + | |
- | o_right = s_right.querySelector( 'div.bb-overlay' ),
| + | |
- | speed = this.end ? 400 : this.options.speed;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var fChild = this.items[0];
| + | |
- | this.el.insertBefore( s_left, fChild );
| + | |
- | this.el.insertBefore( s_middle, fChild );
| + | |
- | this.el.insertBefore( s_right, fChild );
| + | |
- | s_left.style.zIndex = 102;
| + | |
- | s_middle.style.zIndex = 103;
| + | |
- | s_right.style.zIndex = 101;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | s_middle.style.transitionDuration = speed + 'ms';
| + | |
- | s_middle.style.transitionTimingFunction = this.options.easing;
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | s_middle.addEventListener( this.transEndEventName, function( event ) {
| + | |
- | if ( (" " + event.target.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" bb-page ") > -1 ) {
| + | |
- | Array.prototype.slice.call( self.el.querySelectorAll( '.bb-page' ) ).forEach( function( el, i ) {
| + | |
- | self.el.removeChild( el );
| + | |
- | } );
| + | |
- | self.nextItem.style.display = 'block';
| + | |
- | self.end = false;
| + | |
- | self.isAnimating = false;
| + | |
- | var isLimit = dir === 'next' && self.currentIdx === self.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && self.currentIdx === 0;
| + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | self.options.onEndFlip( self.previous, self.currentIdx, isLimit );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | } );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( dir === 'prev' ) {
| + | |
- | s_middle.className += ' bb-flip-initial';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.shadows && !this.end ) {
| + | |
- | if( dir === 'next' ) {
| + | |
- | o_middle_f.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear';
| + | |
- | o_middle_b.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms';
| + | |
- | o_middle_b.style.opacity = this.options.shadowFlip;
| + | |
- | o_left.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms';
| + | |
- | o_right.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear';
| + | |
- | o_right.style.opacity = this.options.shadowSides;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if( dir === 'prev' ) {
| + | |
- | o_middle_f.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms';
| + | |
- | o_middle_f.style.opacity = this.options.shadowFlip;
| + | |
- | o_middle_b.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear';
| + | |
- | o_left.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear';
| + | |
- | o_left.style.opacity = this.options.shadowSides;
| + | |
- | o_right.style.transition = 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | setTimeout( function() {
| + | |
- | // first && last pages lift slightly up when we can't go further
| + | |
- | s_middle.className += self.end ? ' bb-flip-' + dir + '-end' : ' bb-flip-' + dir;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | if ( self.options.shadows && !self.end ) {
| + | |
- | o_middle_f.style.opacity = dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowFlip : 0;
| + | |
- | o_middle_b.style.opacity = dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowFlip;
| + | |
- | o_left.style.opacity = dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowSides : 0;
| + | |
- | o_right.style.opacity = dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowSides;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }, 25 );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // adds the necessary sides (bb-page) to the layout
| + | |
- | _addSide : function( side, dir ) {
| + | |
- | var sideEl = document.createElement( 'div' );
| + | |
- | sideEl.className = 'bb-page';
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | switch (side) {
| + | |
- | case 'left':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:102;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-back">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-overlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | var inner = dir === 'next' ? this.current.innerHTML : this.nextItem.innerHTML;
| + | |
- | sideEl.innerHTML = '<div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + inner + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div>';
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | case 'middle':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:103;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-front">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-back">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | var frontinner = dir === 'next' ? this.current.innerHTML : this.nextItem.innerHTML;
| + | |
- | var backinner = dir === 'next' ? this.nextItem.innerHTML : this.current.innerHTML;
| + | |
- | sideEl.innerHTML = '<div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + frontinner + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div><div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content" style="width:' + this.elWidth + 'px"><div class="bb-inner">' + backinner + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div>';
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | case 'right':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:101;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-front">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-overlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | var inner = dir === 'next' ? this.nextItem.innerHTML : this.current.innerHTML;
| + | |
- | sideEl.innerHTML = '<div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + inner + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div>';
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return sideEl;
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _startSlideshow : function() {
| + | |
- | var self = this;
| + | |
- | this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {
| + | |
- | self._navigate( 'next' );
| + | |
- | if ( self.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | self._startSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }, this.options.interval );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _stopSlideshow : function() {
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | clearTimeout( this.slideshow );
| + | |
- | this.options.autoplay = false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: flips next
| + | |
- | next : function() {
| + | |
- | this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'next' : 'prev' );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: flips back
| + | |
- | prev : function() {
| + | |
- | this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'prev' : 'next' );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to a specific page
| + | |
- | jump : function( page ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | page -= 1;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( page === this.currentIdx || page >= this.itemsCount || page < 0 ) {
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | var dir;
| + | |
- | if( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ) {
| + | |
- | dir = page > this.currentIdx ? 'next' : 'prev';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | dir = page > this.currentIdx ? 'prev' : 'next';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this._action( dir, page );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to the last page
| + | |
- | last : function() {
| + | |
- | this.jump( this.itemsCount );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to the first page
| + | |
- | first : function() {
| + | |
- | this.jump( 1 );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // taken from https://github.com/desandro/vanilla-masonry/blob/master/masonry.js by David DeSandro
| + | |
- | // original debounce by John Hann
| + | |
- | // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/
| + | |
- | _resizeHandler : function() {
| + | |
- | var self = this;
| + | |
- | function delayed() {
| + | |
- | self._resize();
| + | |
- | self._resizeTimeout = null;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | if ( this._resizeTimeout ) {
| + | |
- | clearTimeout( this._resizeTimeout );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout( delayed, 50 );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _resize : function() {
| + | |
- | // update width value
| + | |
- | this.elWidth = this.el.offsetWidth;
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: check if isAnimating is true
| + | |
- | isActive: function() {
| + | |
- | return this.isAnimating;
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: dynamically adds new elements
| + | |
- | // call this method after inserting new "bb-item" elements inside the BookBlock
| + | |
- | update : function () {
| + | |
- | var currentItem = this.items[ this.current ];
| + | |
- | this.items = Array.prototype.slice.call( this.el.querySelectorAll( '.bb-item' ) );
| + | |
- | this.itemsCount = this.items.length;
| + | |
- | this.currentIdx = this.items.indexOf( currentItem );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | destroy : function() {
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | this._stopSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this.el.className = this.el.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + 'bb-' + this.options.orientation + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ');
| + | |
- | this.items.forEach( function( el, i ) { el.style.display = 'block'; } );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | this.options.nextEl.removeEventListener( 'click' );
| + | |
- | this.options.nextEl.removeEventListener( 'touchstart' );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * jquery.bookblock.js v2.0.1
| + | |
- | * http://www.codrops.com
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * Licensed under the MIT license.
| + | |
- | * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * Copyright 2013, Codrops
| + | |
- | * http://www.codrops.com
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | ;( function( $, window, undefined ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | 'use strict';
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // global
| + | |
- | var $window = $(window),
| + | |
- | Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // https://gist.github.com/edankwan/4389601
| + | |
- | Modernizr.addTest('csstransformspreserve3d', function () {
| + | |
- | var prop = Modernizr.prefixed('transformStyle');
| + | |
- | var val = 'preserve-3d';
| + | |
- | var computedStyle;
| + | |
- | if(!prop) return false;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr{' + prop + ':' + val + ';}', function (el, rule) {
| + | |
- | computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop) : '';
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return (computedStyle === val);
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | * debouncedresize: special jQuery event that happens once after a window resize
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * latest version and complete README available on Github:
| + | |
- | * https://github.com/louisremi/jquery-smartresize
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * Copyright 2012 @louis_remi
| + | |
- | * Licensed under the MIT license.
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * This saved you an hour of work?
| + | |
- | * Send me music http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/HNTU0468LQON
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | var $event = $.event,
| + | |
- | $special,
| + | |
- | resizeTimeout;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $special = $event.special.debouncedresize = {
| + | |
- | setup: function() {
| + | |
- | $( this ).on( "resize", $special.handler );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | teardown: function() {
| + | |
- | $( this ).off( "resize", $special.handler );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | handler: function( event, execAsap ) {
| + | |
- | // Save the context
| + | |
- | var context = this,
| + | |
- | args = arguments,
| + | |
- | dispatch = function() {
| + | |
- | // set correct event type
| + | |
- | event.type = "debouncedresize";
| + | |
- | $event.dispatch.apply( context, args );
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( resizeTimeout ) {
| + | |
- | clearTimeout( resizeTimeout );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | execAsap ?
| + | |
- | dispatch() :
| + | |
- | resizeTimeout = setTimeout( dispatch, $special.threshold );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | threshold: 150
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $.BookBlock = function( options, element ) {
| + | |
- | this.$el = $( element );
| + | |
- | this._init( options );
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // the options
| + | |
- | $.BookBlock.defaults = {
| + | |
- | // vertical or horizontal flip
| + | |
- | orientation : 'vertical',
| + | |
- | // ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)
| + | |
- | direction : 'ltr',
| + | |
- | // speed for the flip transition in ms
| + | |
- | speed : 1000,
| + | |
- | // easing for the flip transition
| + | |
- | easing : 'ease-in-out',
| + | |
- | // if set to true, both the flipping page and the sides will have an overlay to simulate shadows
| + | |
- | shadows : true,
| + | |
- | // opacity value for the "shadow" on both sides (when the flipping page is over it)
| + | |
- | // value : 0.1 - 1
| + | |
- | shadowSides : 0.2,
| + | |
- | // opacity value for the "shadow" on the flipping page (while it is flipping)
| + | |
- | // value : 0.1 - 1
| + | |
- | shadowFlip : 0.1,
| + | |
- | // if we should show the first item after reaching the end
| + | |
- | circular : false,
| + | |
- | // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: ´#bb-nav-next´
| + | |
- | nextEl : '',
| + | |
- | // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the prev() function
| + | |
- | prevEl : '',
| + | |
- | // autoplay. If true it overwrites the circular option to true
| + | |
- | autoplay : false,
| + | |
- | // time (ms) between page switch, if autoplay is true
| + | |
- | interval : 3000,
| + | |
- | // callback after the flip transition
| + | |
- | // old is the index of the previous item
| + | |
- | // page is the current item´s index
| + | |
- | // isLimit is true if the current page is the last one (or the first one)
| + | |
- | onEndFlip : function(old, page, isLimit) { return false; },
| + | |
- | // callback before the flip transition
| + | |
- | // page is the current item´s index
| + | |
- | onBeforeFlip : function(page) { return false; }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $.BookBlock.prototype = {
| + | |
- | _init : function(options) {
| + | |
- | // options
| + | |
- | this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.BookBlock.defaults, options );
| + | |
- | // orientation class
| + | |
- | this.$el.addClass( 'bb-' + this.options.orientation );
| + | |
- | // items
| + | |
- | this.$items = this.$el.children( '.bb-item' ).hide();
| + | |
- | // total items
| + | |
- | this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
| + | |
- | // current item´s index
| + | |
- | this.current = 0;
| + | |
- | // previous item´s index
| + | |
- | this.previous = -1;
| + | |
- | // show first item
| + | |
- | this.$current = this.$items.eq( this.current ).show();
| + | |
- | // get width of this.$el
| + | |
- | // this will be necessary to create the flipping layout
| + | |
- | this.elWidth = this.$el.width();
| + | |
- | var transEndEventNames = {
| + | |
- | 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
| + | |
- | 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
| + | |
- | 'transition': 'transitionend'
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' )] + '.bookblock';
| + | |
- | // support css 3d transforms && css transitions && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d
| + | |
- | this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms3d && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d;
| + | |
- | // initialize/bind some events
| + | |
- | this._initEvents();
| + | |
- | // start slideshow
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | this.options.circular = true;
| + | |
- | this._startSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _initEvents : function() {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var self = this;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | $( this.options.nextEl ).on( 'click.bookblock touchstart.bookblock', function() { self._action( 'next' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.prevEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | $( this.options.prevEl ).on( 'click.bookblock touchstart.bookblock', function() { self._action( 'prev' ); return false; } );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $window.on( 'debouncedresize', function() {
| + | |
- | // update width value
| + | |
- | self.elWidth = self.$el.width();
| + | |
- | } );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _action : function( dir, page ) {
| + | |
- | this._stopSlideshow();
| + | |
- | this._navigate( dir, page );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _navigate : function( dir, page ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.isAnimating ) {
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | this.options.onBeforeFlip( this.current );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | this.isAnimating = true;
| + | |
- | // update current value
| + | |
- | this.$current = this.$items.eq( this.current );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( page !== undefined ) {
| + | |
- | this.current = page;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if ( dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
| + | |
- | if ( !this.options.circular && this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 ) {
| + | |
- | this.end = true;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | this.previous = this.current;
| + | |
- | this.current = this.current < this.itemsCount - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if ( dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
| + | |
- | if ( !this.options.circular && this.current === 0 ) {
| + | |
- | this.end = true;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | this.previous = this.current;
| + | |
- | this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.itemsCount - 1;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | this.$nextItem = !this.options.circular && this.end ? this.$current : this.$items.eq( this.current );
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | if ( !this.support ) {
| + | |
- | this._layoutNoSupport( dir );
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | this._layout( dir );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _layoutNoSupport : function(dir) {
| + | |
- | this.$items.hide();
| + | |
- | this.$nextItem.show();
| + | |
- | this.end = false;
| + | |
- | this.isAnimating = false;
| + | |
- | var isLimit = dir === 'next' && this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && this.current === 0;
| + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | this.options.onEndFlip( this.previous, this.current, isLimit );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // creates the necessary layout for the 3d structure
| + | |
- | _layout : function(dir) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var self = this,
| + | |
- | // basic structure: 1 element for the left side.
| + | |
- | $s_left = this._addSide( 'left', dir ),
| + | |
- | // 1 element for the flipping/middle page
| + | |
- | $s_middle = this._addSide( 'middle', dir ),
| + | |
- | // 1 element for the right side
| + | |
- | $s_right = this._addSide( 'right', dir ),
| + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | $o_left = $s_left.find( 'div.bb-overlay' ),
| + | |
- | $o_middle_f = $s_middle.find( 'div.bb-flipoverlay:first' ),
| + | |
- | $o_middle_b = $s_middle.find( 'div.bb-flipoverlay:last' ),
| + | |
- | $o_right = $s_right.find( 'div.bb-overlay' ),
| + | |
- | speed = this.end ? 400 : this.options.speed;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | this.$items.hide();
| + | |
- | this.$el.prepend( $s_left, $s_middle, $s_right );
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | $s_middle.css({
| + | |
- | transitionDuration: speed + 'ms',
| + | |
- | transitionTimingFunction : this.options.easing
| + | |
- | }).on( this.transEndEventName, function( event ) {
| + | |
- | if ( $( event.target ).hasClass( 'bb-page' ) ) {
| + | |
- | self.$el.children( '.bb-page' ).remove();
| + | |
- | self.$nextItem.show();
| + | |
- | self.end = false;
| + | |
- | self.isAnimating = false;
| + | |
- | var isLimit = dir === 'next' && self.current === self.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && self.current === 0;
| + | |
- | // callback trigger
| + | |
- | self.options.onEndFlip( self.previous, self.current, isLimit );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( dir === 'prev' ) {
| + | |
- | $s_middle.addClass( 'bb-flip-initial' );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | if (this.options.shadows && !this.end) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var o_left_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms'
| + | |
- | } : {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear',
| + | |
- | opacity: this.options.shadowSides
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | o_middle_f_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear'
| + | |
- | } : {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms',
| + | |
- | opacity: this.options.shadowFlip
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | o_middle_b_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms',
| + | |
- | opacity: this.options.shadowFlip
| + | |
- | } : {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear'
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | o_right_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear',
| + | |
- | opacity: this.options.shadowSides
| + | |
- | } : {
| + | |
- | transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms'
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $o_middle_f.css(o_middle_f_style);
| + | |
- | $o_middle_b.css(o_middle_b_style);
| + | |
- | $o_left.css(o_left_style);
| + | |
- | $o_right.css(o_right_style);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | setTimeout( function() {
| + | |
- | // first && last pages lift slightly up when we can't go further
| + | |
- | $s_middle.addClass( self.end ? 'bb-flip-' + dir + '-end' : 'bb-flip-' + dir );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // overlays
| + | |
- | if ( self.options.shadows && !self.end ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $o_middle_f.css({
| + | |
- | opacity: dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowFlip : 0
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $o_middle_b.css({
| + | |
- | opacity: dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowFlip
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $o_left.css({
| + | |
- | opacity: dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowSides : 0
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $o_right.css({
| + | |
- | opacity: dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowSides
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }, 25 );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // adds the necessary sides (bb-page) to the layout
| + | |
- | _addSide : function( side, dir ) {
| + | |
- | var $side;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | switch (side) {
| + | |
- | case 'left':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:102;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-back">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-overlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | $side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$current.html() : this.$nextItem.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 102 );
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | case 'middle':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:103;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-front">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-back">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | $side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + (dir === 'next' ? this.$current.html() : this.$nextItem.html()) + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div><div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content" style="width:' + this.elWidth + 'px"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$nextItem.html() : this.$current.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 103 );
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | case 'right':
| + | |
- | /*
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-page" style="z-index:101;">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-front">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-outer">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-content">
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-inner">
| + | |
- | dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div class="bb-overlay"></div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | $side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$nextItem.html() : this.$current.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 101 );
| + | |
- | break;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return $side;
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _startSlideshow : function() {
| + | |
- | var self = this;
| + | |
- | this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {
| + | |
- | self._navigate( 'next' );
| + | |
- | if ( self.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | self._startSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }, this.options.interval );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | _stopSlideshow : function() {
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | clearTimeout( this.slideshow );
| + | |
- | this.options.autoplay = false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: flips next
| + | |
- | next : function() {
| + | |
- | this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'next' : 'prev' );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: flips back
| + | |
- | prev : function() {
| + | |
- | this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'prev' : 'next' );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to a specific page
| + | |
- | jump : function( page ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | page -= 1;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( page === this.current || page >= this.itemsCount || page < 0 ) {
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var dir;
| + | |
- | if( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ) {
| + | |
- | dir = page > this.current ? 'next' : 'prev';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | dir = page > this.current ? 'prev' : 'next';
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this._action( dir, page );
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to the last page
| + | |
- | last : function() {
| + | |
- | this.jump( this.itemsCount );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: goes to the first page
| + | |
- | first : function() {
| + | |
- | this.jump( 1 );
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: check if isAnimating is true
| + | |
- | isActive: function() {
| + | |
- | return this.isAnimating;
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | // public method: dynamically adds new elements
| + | |
- | // call this method after inserting new "bb-item" elements inside the BookBlock
| + | |
- | update : function () {
| + | |
- | var $currentItem = this.$items.eq( this.current );
| + | |
- | this.$items = this.$el.children( '.bb-item' );
| + | |
- | this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
| + | |
- | this.current = $currentItem.index();
| + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | destroy : function() {
| + | |
- | if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
| + | |
- | this._stopSlideshow();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | this.$el.removeClass( 'bb-' + this.options.orientation );
| + | |
- | this.$items.show();
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | $( this.options.nextEl ).off( '.bookblock' );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if ( this.options.prevEl !== '' ) {
| + | |
- | $( this.options.prevEl ).off( '.bookblock' );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $window.off( 'debouncedresize' );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var logError = function( message ) {
| + | |
- | if ( window.console ) {
| + | |
- | window.console.error( message );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $.fn.bookblock = function( options ) {
| + | |
- | if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
| + | |
- | var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
| + | |
- | this.each(function() {
| + | |
- | var instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock' );
| + | |
- | if ( !instance ) {
| + | |
- | logError( "cannot call methods on bookblock prior to initialization; " +
| + | |
- | "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
| + | |
- | return;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
| + | |
- | logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for bookblock instance" );
| + | |
- | return;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | this.each(function() {
| + | |
- | var instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock' );
| + | |
- | if ( instance ) {
| + | |
- | instance._init();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock', new $.BookBlock( options, this ) );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | return this;
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | } )( jQuery, window );
| + | |
- | | + | |
| | | |
| (function() { | | (function() { |
| + | $(function() { |
| + | return $('#menubar.left-menu ul li:last-child').css('display', 'none'); |
| + | }); |
| + | }).call(this); |
| | | |
- | var event = jQuery.event,
| + | $(function () { |
| + | $(".right-menu").hover(function(){ |
| + | $(this).css({"opacity": "1.0"}); |
| + | },function(){ |
| + | $(this).css({"opacity": "0.0"}); |
| + | }); |
| + | }); |
| | | |
- | //helper that finds handlers by type and calls back a function, this is basically handle
| + | $(function() { |
- | // events - the events object
| + | $(".left-menu").css("left","0"); |
- | // types - an array of event types to look for
| + | |
- | // callback(type, handlerFunc, selector) - a callback
| + | |
- | // selector - an optional selector to filter with, if there, matches by selector
| + | |
- | // if null, matches anything, otherwise, matches with no selector
| + | |
- | findHelper = function( events, types, callback, selector ) {
| + | |
- | var t, type, typeHandlers, all, h, handle,
| + | |
- | namespaces, namespace,
| + | |
- | match;
| + | |
- | for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
| + | |
- | type = types[t];
| + | |
- | all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
| + | |
- | if (!all ) {
| + | |
- | namespaces = type.split(".");
| + | |
- | type = namespaces.shift();
| + | |
- | namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.slice(0).sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | typeHandlers = (events[type] || []).slice(0);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | for ( h = 0; h < typeHandlers.length; h++ ) {
| + | |
- | handle = typeHandlers[h];
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | match = (all || namespace.test(handle.namespace));
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | if(match){
| + | |
- | if(selector){
| + | |
- | if (handle.selector === selector ) {
| + | |
- | callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | } else if (selector === null){
| + | |
- | callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler, handle.selector);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else if (!handle.selector ) {
| + | |
- | callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * Finds event handlers of a given type on an element.
| + | |
- | * @param {HTMLElement} el
| + | |
- | * @param {Array} types an array of event names
| + | |
- | * @param {String} [selector] optional selector
| + | |
- | * @return {Array} an array of event handlers
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | event.find = function( el, types, selector ) {
| + | |
- | var events = ( $._data(el) || {} ).events,
| + | |
- | handlers = [],
| + | |
- | t, liver, live;
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if (!events ) {
| + | |
- | return handlers;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler ) {
| + | |
- | handlers.push(handler);
| + | |
- | }, selector);
| + | |
- | return handlers;
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * Finds all events. Group by selector.
| + | |
- | * @param {HTMLElement} el the element
| + | |
- | * @param {Array} types event types
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | event.findBySelector = function( el, types ) {
| + | |
- | var events = $._data(el).events,
| + | |
- | selectors = {},
| + | |
- | //adds a handler for a given selector and event
| + | |
- | add = function( selector, event, handler ) {
| + | |
- | var select = selectors[selector] || (selectors[selector] = {}),
| + | |
- | events = select[event] || (select[event] = []);
| + | |
- | events.push(handler);
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | if (!events ) {
| + | |
- | return selectors;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | //first check live:
| + | |
- | /*$.each(events.live || [], function( i, live ) {
| + | |
- | if ( $.inArray(live.origType, types) !== -1 ) {
| + | |
- | add(live.selector, live.origType, live.origHandler || live.handler);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | });*/
| + | |
- | //then check straight binds
| + | |
- | findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler, selector ) {
| + | |
- | add(selector || "", type, handler);
| + | |
- | }, null);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | return selectors;
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | event.supportTouch = "ontouchend" in document;
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | $.fn.respondsTo = function( events ) {
| + | |
- | if (!this.length ) {
| + | |
- | return false;
| + | |
- | } else {
| + | |
- | //add default ?
| + | |
- | return event.find(this[0], $.isArray(events) ? events : [events]).length > 0;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | $.fn.triggerHandled = function( event, data ) {
| + | |
- | event = (typeof event == "string" ? $.Event(event) : event);
| + | |
- | this.trigger(event, data);
| + | |
- | return event.handled;
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * Only attaches one event handler for all types ...
| + | |
- | * @param {Array} types llist of types that will delegate here
| + | |
- | * @param {Object} startingEvent the first event to start listening to
| + | |
- | * @param {Object} onFirst a function to call
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | event.setupHelper = function( types, startingEvent, onFirst ) {
| + | |
- | if (!onFirst ) {
| + | |
- | onFirst = startingEvent;
| + | |
- | startingEvent = null;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | var add = function( handleObj ) {
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
| + | |
- | if ( selector ) {
| + | |
- | bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
| + | |
- | if (!bySelector.length ) {
| + | |
- | $(this).delegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | //var bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
| + | |
- | if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
| + | |
- | event.add(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
| + | |
- | selector: selector,
| + | |
- | delegate: this
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | },
| + | |
- | remove = function( handleObj ) {
| + | |
- | var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
| + | |
- | if ( selector ) {
| + | |
- | bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
| + | |
- | if (!bySelector.length ) {
| + | |
- | $(this).undelegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | else {
| + | |
- | if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
| + | |
- | event.remove(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
| + | |
- | selector: selector,
| + | |
- | delegate: this
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | $.each(types, function() {
| + | |
- | event.special[this] = {
| + | |
- | add: add,
| + | |
- | remove: remove,
| + | |
- | setup: function() {},
| + | |
- | teardown: function() {}
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | });
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | })(jQuery);
| + | |
- | (function($){
| + | |
- | var isPhantom = /Phantom/.test(navigator.userAgent),
| + | |
- | supportTouch = !isPhantom && "ontouchend" in document,
| + | |
- | scrollEvent = "touchmove scroll",
| + | |
- | // Use touch events or map it to mouse events
| + | |
- | touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
| + | |
- | touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
| + | |
- | touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
| + | |
- | data = function(event){
| + | |
- | var d = event.originalEvent.touches ?
| + | |
- | event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
| + | |
- | event;
| + | |
- | return {
| + | |
- | time: (new Date).getTime(),
| + | |
- | coords: [ d.pageX, d.pageY ],
| + | |
- | origin: $( event.target )
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @add jQuery.event.swipe
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | var swipe = $.event.swipe = {
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @attribute delay
| + | |
- | * Delay is the upper limit of time the swipe motion can take in milliseconds. This defaults to 500.
| + | |
- | *
| + | |
- | * A user must perform the swipe motion in this much time.
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | delay : 500,
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @attribute max
| + | |
- | * The maximum distance the pointer must travel in pixels. The default is 75 pixels.
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | max : 75,
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @attribute min
| + | |
- | * The minimum distance the pointer must travel in pixels. The default is 30 pixels.
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | min : 30
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | $.event.setupHelper( [
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @hide
| + | |
- | * @attribute swipe
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | "swipe", | + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @hide
| + | |
- | * @attribute swipeleft
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | 'swipeleft',
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @hide
| + | |
- | * @attribute swiperight
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | 'swiperight',
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @hide
| + | |
- | * @attribute swipeup
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | 'swipeup',
| + | |
- | /**
| + | |
- | * @hide
| + | |
- | * @attribute swipedown
| + | |
- | */
| + | |
- | 'swipedown'], touchStartEvent, function(ev){
| + | |
- | var
| + | |
- | // update with data when the event was started
| + | |
- | start = data(ev),
| + | |
- | stop,
| + | |
- | delegate = ev.delegateTarget || ev.currentTarget,
| + | |
- | selector = ev.handleObj.selector,
| + | |
- | entered = this;
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | function moveHandler(event){
| + | |
- | if ( !start ) {
| + | |
- | return;
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | // update stop with the data from the current event
| + | |
- | stop = data(event);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // prevent scrolling
| + | |
- | if ( Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0] ) > 10 ) {
| + | |
- | event.preventDefault();
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | };
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // Attach to the touch move events
| + | |
- | $(document.documentElement).bind(touchMoveEvent, moveHandler)
| + | |
- | .one(touchStopEvent, function(event){
| + | |
- | $(this).unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler);
| + | |
- | // if start and stop contain data figure out if we have a swipe event
| + | |
- | if ( start && stop ) {
| + | |
- | // calculate the distance between start and stop data
| + | |
- | var deltaX = Math.abs(start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]),
| + | |
- | deltaY = Math.abs(start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]),
| + | |
- | distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // check if the delay and distance are matched
| + | |
- | if ( stop.time - start.time < swipe.delay && distance >= swipe.min ) {
| + | |
- | var events = ['swipe'];
| + | |
- | // check if we moved horizontally
| + | |
- | if( deltaX >= swipe.min && deltaY < swipe.min) {
| + | |
- | // based on the x coordinate check if we moved left or right
| + | |
- | events.push( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight" );
| + | |
- | } else
| + | |
- | // check if we moved vertically
| + | |
- | if(deltaY >= swipe.min && deltaX < swipe.min){
| + | |
- | // based on the y coordinate check if we moved up or down
| + | |
- | events.push( start.coords[1] < stop.coords[1] ? "swipedown" : "swipeup" );
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | // trigger swipe events on this guy
| + | |
- | $.each($.event.find(delegate, events, selector), function(){
| + | |
- | this.call(entered, ev, {start : start, end: stop})
| + | |
- | })
| + | |
- |
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | }
| + | |
- | // reset start and stop
| + | |
- | start = stop = undefined;
| + | |
- | })
| + | |
| }); | | }); |
- |
| |
- | })(jQuery)
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | /* Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
| |
- | * Build: http://modernizr.com/download/#-csstransforms3d-csstransitions-shiv-cssclasses-prefixed-teststyles-testprop-testallprops-prefixes-domprefixes-load
| |
- | */
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