Meetups/August HZAU-China


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<title>Central China iGEMers’ Meetup</title>
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<p><a href="">Team HZAU-China</a></p>
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<p>Date: 23th Aug. 2014</p>
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<p>Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology</p>
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<h2 id="">Meetup</h2>
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<i>Central China iGEMers’ Meetup</i>
<p><b>Purpose:</b>The conference aims to help teams improve performance in the 2014 iGEM competition, arouse awareness of intra-
regional collaboration so as to enhance better communication among iGEM teams in China by establishing the <a href="">Central China  
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countdownFrom = 15;
iGEMers’ Consortium(CCiC).</a></p>
<p><b>Date:</b>23th Aug. 2014<p>
<p><b>Location:</b>Center for International Academic Exchanges, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China<p>
<b>Schedule(under update):</b>
  <li>09:00-09:15 am &nbsp&nbsp Opening Ceremony (15min)</li>
  <li>09:15-10:15 am &nbsp&nbsp Addresses by <a href=""><u>Team Supervisors</u></a> (2×30min)</li>
  <li>10:15-11:05 am &nbsp&nbsp Address by <a href=""><u>Honorable Guest 1</u></a> (50min)</li>
  <li>11:05-11:55 pm &nbsp&nbsp Address by <a href=""><u>Honorable Guest 2</u></a> (50min)</li>
  <li>11:55-14:30 pm &nbsp&nbsp Lunch and free Discussion (2hour 30min)</li>
  <li>14:30-15:30 pm &nbsp&nbsp Organized Discussion topic1</li>
  <li>15:30-15:50 pm &nbsp&nbsp Tea Break</li>
  <li>15:50-16:50 pm &nbsp&nbsp Organized Discussion Topic 2</li>
  <li>16:50-17:00 pm Closing Ceremony, Anouncing the Establishment of Central China iGEMers’ Consortium(CCiC)</li>
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<h2 id="">Who we are—the CCiC</h2>
<b>What is CCiC?</b>
<p>'CCiC', or the Central China iGEMers' Consortium, is an institution that has existed long before it's name. The iGEM teams of <a
href="">WHU</a>, <a href="">HUST</a> and <a href="">HZAU</a> have a tradition of close collaboration, visiting each other every few
/* dont' edit anyting below here unless you're sure about what you're doinf  */
weeks or so, discussing problems, having lunch together. It’s only natural if a title is given to the contents;-)</p>
<p>From a geographic point of view, the majority of iGEM teams are distributed in the eastern and northern China, especially the more
developed coastal cities, with fewer into the inland. The old teams lead, while new teams in the central and western China are
$(window).load(function () {
emerging. It all coincides with the distribution of economy in China, and we believe that the trend of new teams emerging especially
in central China would contribute to the “Rise of Central China Plan” conducted by our government.</p>
<p>China as well as the whole world is in need of a new economy that would benefit greatly from the development of biotechnology,
slidesPause = 0;
with synthetic biology in the frontier. Inter and intra-regional co-operations are part of this process. CCiC, as are other regional
function getStarted(){
collaborations, knows its limitations. While intra-regional cooperation is a convenient start that may generate group effects, it’s
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inter-regional cooperation that’s the ultimate goal of communication which will prove to be more rewarding. CCiC is a start though;
it came into being because we were enjoying ourselves, but more than that it has a mission--- to arouse awareness of closer regional
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<li><a href="#">Second DAY</a></li>
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<pre id="best-content-1118712774" accuse="aContent"><strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">It is 40 days before it !</font></strong></pre>
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The conference aims to help teams improve performance in the 2014 iGEM competition, and enhance close collaboration among  iGEM teams in China by establishing the Central China iGEMers’ Consortium(CCiC).
<div class="sImCon">
<img src="" alt="slide1" />
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23th Aug. 2014 (Saturday)
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<img src="" alt="slide1" />
<div class="slide">
<div class="caption">
                                    WHU-Pharm  HUST-China
collaboration among iGEM teams. We sincerely hope that more teams can see the benefits of such collaboration, and it is our wish that
<div class="sImCon">
<img src="" alt="slide1" />
<div class="slide">
<div class="caption">
Date: 23th Aug. 2014
Location: Center for International Academic Exchanges, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
even if CCiC one day disappears, it will only disappear into something  even closer to its true purposes.</p>
<div class="sImCon">
<img src="" alt="slide1" />
<h2 id="">Sponsor</h2>
<div class="slide">
<div class="caption">
<h2 id="">Who You Are</h2>
<h2>Who YOU Are</h2>
<p>We welcome anyone who is interested in discussions about the details of projects as well as the role synthetic biology may play in  
We welcome anyone who is interested in discussions about the details of projects as well as the role synthetic biology may play in a larger scope. Ours is named "Central China", but just as said in the CCiC page, inter-regional exchanges are also greatly welcomed! Practice or experience, we are ever eager to learn more-- from you, and about you!
a larger scope. Ours is named “Central China”, but just as said in the CCiC page, inter-regional exchanges are also greatly  
welcomed! Practice or experience, we are ever eager to learn more-- from you, and about you!</p>
<div class="sImCon">
<b>Welcome to the First Central China iGEMers’ Meetup!</b>
<img src="" alt="slide1" />
<h2 id="">What we’ve done</h2>
</div><!-- /#slides -->
<p>We will put photos, videos, documents and the conclusion of our discussions on this page after the meet up! ^^</p>
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<img src="" alt="aboutus" />'CCiC', or the Central China iGEMers' Consortium, is an institution that has existed long before it's name. The iGEM teams of WHU, HUST and HZAU have a tradition of close collaboration, visiting each other every few weeks or so, discussing problems, having lunch together. It's only natural if a title is given to the contents
<a href="about.html"></a>.
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<div class="grid_5 news" id="one_col">
<h2>News &amp; Events</h2>
<div class="cal">
<div class="month">AUG</div>
<div class="date">23</div>
<a href="post.html">First Day</a>
<div class="cal">
<div class="month">aug</div>
<div class="date">24</div>
<a href="post.html">Second Day</a>
<a href="" id="moreNews">more news</a>
<div id="testimonials">
"Praesent vulputate euismod fringilla. Sed nec luctus lacus. Aliquam molestie massa at dolor ultrices dapibus. Donec non lorem nisi, ac lacinia nisl."
<div class="by">Someone - <a href="">Some organization</a></div>
"Fusce mollis justo id nisi volutpat laoreet. Vivamus sed sem vel ligula bibendum semper euismod et lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin magna risus."
<div class="by">Someone else - <a href="">Some organization</a></div>
"Praesent vulputate euismod fringilla. Sed nec luctus lacus. Aliquam molestie massa at dolor ultrices dapibus. Donec non lorem nisi, ac lacinia nisl."
<div class="by">Someone - <a href="">Some organization</a></div>
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<span id="address"><b>Central China iGEMers’ Meetup</b></span>
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Revision as of 06:57, 26 June 2014

Team HZAU-China

Date: 23th Aug. 2014

Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Central China iGEMers’ Meetup

Purpose:The conference aims to help teams improve performance in the 2014 iGEM competition, arouse awareness of intra- regional collaboration so as to enhance better communication among iGEM teams in China by establishing the Central China iGEMers’ Consortium(CCiC).

Date:23th Aug. 2014

Location:Center for International Academic Exchanges, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

Schedule(under update):

  • 09:00-09:15 am &nbsp&nbsp Opening Ceremony (15min)
  • 09:15-10:15 am &nbsp&nbsp Addresses by Team Supervisors (2×30min)
  • 10:15-11:05 am &nbsp&nbsp Address by Honorable Guest 1 (50min)
  • 11:05-11:55 pm &nbsp&nbsp Address by Honorable Guest 2 (50min)
  • 11:55-14:30 pm &nbsp&nbsp Lunch and free Discussion (2hour 30min)
  • 14:30-15:30 pm &nbsp&nbsp Organized Discussion topic1
  • 15:30-15:50 pm &nbsp&nbsp Tea Break
  • 15:50-16:50 pm &nbsp&nbsp Organized Discussion Topic 2
  • 16:50-17:00 pm Closing Ceremony, Anouncing the Establishment of Central China iGEMers’ Consortium(CCiC)

Who we are—the CCiC

What is CCiC?

'CCiC', or the Central China iGEMers' Consortium, is an institution that has existed long before it's name. The iGEM teams of WHU, HUST and HZAU have a tradition of close collaboration, visiting each other every few weeks or so, discussing problems, having lunch together. It’s only natural if a title is given to the contents;-)

From a geographic point of view, the majority of iGEM teams are distributed in the eastern and northern China, especially the more developed coastal cities, with fewer into the inland. The old teams lead, while new teams in the central and western China are emerging. It all coincides with the distribution of economy in China, and we believe that the trend of new teams emerging especially in central China would contribute to the “Rise of Central China Plan” conducted by our government.

China as well as the whole world is in need of a new economy that would benefit greatly from the development of biotechnology, with synthetic biology in the frontier. Inter and intra-regional co-operations are part of this process. CCiC, as are other regional collaborations, knows its limitations. While intra-regional cooperation is a convenient start that may generate group effects, it’s inter-regional cooperation that’s the ultimate goal of communication which will prove to be more rewarding. CCiC is a start though; it came into being because we were enjoying ourselves, but more than that it has a mission--- to arouse awareness of closer regional collaboration among iGEM teams. We sincerely hope that more teams can see the benefits of such collaboration, and it is our wish that even if CCiC one day disappears, it will only disappear into something even closer to its true purposes.


Who You Are

We welcome anyone who is interested in discussions about the details of projects as well as the role synthetic biology may play in a larger scope. Ours is named “Central China”, but just as said in the CCiC page, inter-regional exchanges are also greatly welcomed! Practice or experience, we are ever eager to learn more-- from you, and about you!

Welcome to the First Central China iGEMers’ Meetup!

What we’ve done

We will put photos, videos, documents and the conclusion of our discussions on this page after the meet up! ^^