


 "use strict";
 $.fn.scrollTo = function( options ) {
   var settings = {
       offset : 0,       //an integer allowing you to offset the position by a certain number of pixels. Can be negative or positive
       speed : 'slow',   //speed at which the scroll animates
       override : null,  //if you want to override the default way this plugin works, pass in the ID of the element you want to scroll through here
       easing : null //easing equation for the animation. Supports easing plugin as well (
   if (options) {
           //if they choose to override, make sure the hash is there
           options.override = (override('#') != -1)? options.override:'#' + options.override;
       $.extend( settings, options );
   return this.each(function(i, el){
           var idToLookAt;
           if ($(el).attr('href').match(/#/) !== null) {
               idToLookAt = (settings.override)? settings.override:$(el).attr('href');//see if the user is forcing an ID they want to use
               //if the browser supports it, we push the hash into the pushState for better linking later
                   history.pushState(null, null, idToLookAt);
                   $('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop: $(idToLookAt).offset().top + settings.offset}, settings.speed, settings.easing);
                   //if the browser doesn't support pushState, we set the hash after the animation, which may cause issues if you use offset
                   $('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop: $(idToLookAt).offset().top + settings.offset}, settings.speed, settings.easing,function(e){
                       //set the hash of the window for better linking
                       window.location.hash = idToLookAt;

})( jQuery );