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<p class="texte">For this module, we had to try several tests to prove the existence of chemotaxis in <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> wild type (WT) strain and SubtiTree bacterium towards N-Acetylglucosamine.
<p class="texte">For this module, we had to try several tests to prove the existence of chemotaxis in <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> wild type (WT) strain and SubtiTree bacterium towards N-Acetylglucosamine.
<p class="texte">We wanted see chemotaxis result on petri dish. We hoped obtain pictures with bacteria halos directed or around attractive component. So we have try different protocol on bacillus subtilis.</br>
The first-one was a protocol of Imperial College of <a href="">2011 igem team</a>. They put attractive compound on paper disk in the middle of a petri dish which contains a medium with 0.3%agar. Cells are filed in the medium of the petri dish (Fig 1).</p>
<center><img SRC="" alt="schema Figure 1"></center>
<p class="legend">Fig1 : schema showing how cells are filed in the medium. (A) pipetman are used to put cells in the gelose. (B)Bacteria should moved to the attractive compound which diffuse.</p>
<p class="texte">We haven't result with positive test on Bacillus subtilis and with glucose as attractive compound (Fig 2-A). B.sub is attract by many other glucides and amino-acids so we have diluted glucose in LB medium and use this solution like target (Fig 2-B).</p>
<center><img SRC="" alt="Figure 2"></center>
<p class="legend">Fig 2 Chemotaxis test with Glucose as attractive compound(A) and Glucose in add to LB medium as attractant (B).</p>
<p class="texte">When we put glucose or not on paper there are no difference between petri dish. If we add LB medium to sugar there are like a large halo around paper disk. It's may be cells which are attract by solution, or a diffusion is observed of the mix into the middle.</br>
Anyway we haven't result enough reproducible and reliable for to be satisfied with this test. Furthermore if we are forced to add LB at sugar for observed something we can't distinct attract effects of our.</br>
We have start new tries with different protocols</p>
<p class="title2">1. Plug in Pond system
<p class="title2">1. Plug in Pond system
<p class="texte">Coming soon! <!--Florie-->
<p class="texte">
This protocol on which we worked is taken from a thesis (ref thèse). B.subtilis are grown overnight and if necessary bacteria cells are concentrated by centrifgation. Goal is to obtain a cells density to 8x10⁸ cells/mL. 10mL of bacteria cells are mixed with 15mL of LB medium with 1.5 % agar maintained at 50°C. We obtain a medium with 0.9 % agar at final concentration. We add tetracyclin at 25µg/mL thus growth are stopped. Plate are cooled and dryed, then well are made with punch or 1mL tips. In well attractive compound are put (Fig3). After one hour at room temperature, we take a picture of plates and analysed results.
<center><img SRC="" alt="Figure 3"></center>
<p class="legend">Fig 3 : schema showing how are made plug-in-pond tests.</p>
<p class="texte">
On our first try with bacillus subtilis, we made three wells by plate (Fig4).In wells we put glucose at different concentration and in one of the plate we do not put tetracyclin.
<center><img SRC="" alt="Figure 4"></center>
<p class="legend">Fig 4 : Plates after 12h at room temperature.</p>
<p class="texte">
We respect the protocol and after one hour we observe nothing, it's only after 12h than we can observe an halo around well with glucose at 1M in the plate where there are no tetracyclin. Tetracyclin concentration seems to be too large and inhibit our bacteria. Thereafter we have work with tetracyclin at 15µg/mL.
We retry this protocol with less tetracyclin. We made two wells by plate (Fig5) one with attractive compound, Glucose or n-acetyl-glucosamide and one with LB medium. After 1h there are no halos, 12h after we observe something.
<center><img SRC="" alt="Figure 5"></center>
<p class="legend">Figure 5:Chemotaxis test with Bacillus subtilis WT. The upper well contain attractive compound and the lower contain medium without attractive compound. </p>
<p class="texte">
Results are not as clear as the first time, but we observe halo around well with glucose at 250mM with and without tetracyclin. We have made tries with N-acetyl-glucosamide and we see no halo, this show that our strain Bacillus subtilis 168 is not attracted by N-acetyl-glucosamide.</br>
Results are not enough clear and reliable with plug-in-pond. We do not understand why we have to wait 12 hours to see halos. So we tried other protocols.
<p class="texte">
thesis : Etude de la réponse adaptative à l'oxyde de triméthylamine et de son mécanisme de détection chez Escherichia coli et Shewanella oneidensis, 2008, Claudine Baraquet, université de la méditerranée Aix-Marseille II
<p class="title2">2. Capillary test between two tubes also called the tubes test</p>
<p class="title2">2. Capillary test between two tubes also called the tubes test</p>

Revision as of 21:48, 13 October 2014