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       <p class="texte">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus turpis urna, dapibus auctor mi eu, mollis ultrices nisl. Nunc suscipit tortor mi. In sapien nunc, condimentum in commodo quis, lobortis et arcu. Proin accumsan nunc eget ante luctus ornare. Nunc laoreet elit vel vulputate fermentum. Integer faucibus, nunc non lobortis faucibus, ante mauris posuere ligula, sed laoreet lectus turpis a nisl. Morbi ac enim felis.</p>
       <p class="texte"></p>
<p class="texte">Vivamus varius aliquet nisl vel efficitur. Praesent congue mi vel elit volutpat posuere. Mauris vitae viverra urna. Cras ligula purus, malesuada ac molestie id, vestibulum eget magna. Quisque consequat erat vitae odio feugiat feugiat. Donec eleifend congue suscipit. Nam maximus nec elit vitae dapibus. Cras et rhoncus purus, quis scelerisque nunc. Integer mollis ut dolor at tincidunt. Cras feugiat, tellus id condimentum commodo, tortor urna lacinia sapien, eu convallis lorem ante id augue. Nullam vitae metus mi.</p>
<p class="texte">Financial support is mandatory to reach the success of our project. All of our sponsors are committed to promoting the scientific and innovative experiences such as the iGEM project. We would like to thank our collaborators for their contribution to our work by giving us an outstanding overview and help. The iGEM adventure could not have been made without their support and their strong knowledge in synthetic biology.
<br>Thanks to the public and private sponsors, the Toulouse iGEM team collected <B>59 168.73 €</B>. The encouragement was based on financial support from our schools and other partners, gifts of consumables or special sale prices on laboratory equipment.
<p class="texte">Vivamus malesuada, diam vitae cursus posuere, lorem augue ultrices neque, sit amet mattis tellus massa sed enim. Praesent a suscipit tellus, id accumsan arcu. Maecenas vitae volutpat felis. Vivamus felis ligula, vestibulum ut venenatis quis, ultrices in magna. In elementum placerat posuere. Nam viverra risus vitae nunc pulvinar, eu ultrices urna ullamcorper. In elementum dui imperdiet, venenatis neque sed, facilisis augue. Sed maximus vulputate eleifend. Suspendisse at bibendum orci, a porttitor velit. Sed vestibulum magna dui, ut fringilla metus auctor sed.</p>
<p class="texte">INSA Toulouse (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) is an engineering school allowing the specialization in 8 different subjects such as civil engineering, biochemistry but also informatics. The school hires 220 teachers and researchers and has not less than 8 research laboratories.</p>
<p class="texte">L’Université Paul Sabatier is a multidisciplinary University involved in sciences and technologies, sport, management and communication but also health and medical studies.</p>
<p class="texte">Le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (MAAF) was created in 1881 and implements the government’s policies in agriculture, food market industries and forest.</p>
<p class="texte">Voies Navigables de France (VNF) is a French public establishment of an administrative nature created in 1991 which aims to manage the major part of the navigable waterways in France.</p>
<p class="texte">The Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés (LISBP) was created in 2007 and is based on the fusion of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Bioprocesses and the Laboratory of Engineering in Environmental Processes. The LISBP is mostly specialized in innovative techniques regarding living and process sciences such as microbiology, biocatalysis and separation techniques.</p>
<p class="texte">Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) is a French infrastructure developing new techniques of sustainable production by enhancing the use of renewable carbon source. TWB has three main missions: promoting the white biotechnologies, improving the scientific innovation, binding the fundamental research and the industrial world. White biotechnologies are the used of industrial goals, including the use of cells and enzymes to create industrial products.</p>
<p class="texte">Adisseo is a subsidiary of Bluestar Company and a worldwide expert in animal nutrition. This branch has a major role in the improvement of food chain while preserving animals, mankind and environment.</p>
<p class="texte">The Genopole of Toulouse (GenoToul) was created in 1999 to develop genomes studies, bioinformatics and to promote the innovation by encouraging interdisciplinary projects. GenoToul welcomes around fifty projects each year regarding many subjects such as healthcare, agronomy, biotechnologies, ecology and environment. </p>
<p class="texte">The Communauté d’Universités et d’Etablissement de Toulouse (COMUE) includes 14 establishments such as universities, engineering schools, specialised schools. It aims to position the Toulouse university site at the best european and international level.</p>
<p class="texte">Aliquam molestie semper dignissim. In ut lorem dictum, hendrerit mauris ac, sagittis nulla. Phasellus hendrerit tempus ornare. Pellentesque eu justo in dolor viverra suscipit ut posuere augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer massa orci, pulvinar non blandit in, suscipit nec ex. In pretium lacinia tellus. Duis interdum velit lacinia pellentesque euismod. Nulla pretium accumsan tellus, sed faucibus metus aliquet ac. Donec eleifend dui nec odio volutpat, eu suscipit nibh auctor. Praesent porta ullamcorper risus vitae lobortis. Proin at purus velit. Pellentesque facilisis urna ac nibh mollis, a molestie felis malesuada.</p>

Revision as of 12:26, 9 October 2014