Team:Harvard BioDesign/Attributions


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Home Team Project Parts Notebook Safety Attributions

Harvard iGEM thanks the following people and groups...

General Support Project support and advice Lab support
We would like to thank the Wyss Institute for giving us financial support, as well as a place for us to conduct our research. We would especially like to thank our fabulous mentoring staff. They stuck with us throughout the project and were crucial in refining our project ideas and helping us troubleshoot. They also helped us with the parts of the project not in lab--the presentation and website. We would like to thank the Joshi group for allowing us to work in their lab and use their equipment. In addition, we are very appreciative for their patience in answering our many, many questions.
Difficult technique support Project advisor support Other support
Specifically, we'd like to thank Peter Ngyuen and Zsofia Botansky for showing us all sorts of techniques relating to curli and general lab knowledge. We'd like to thank Professor Neel Joshi for being a great advisor throughout this project. He encouraged all of our creativeness and wa extremely supportive of us. Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people who helped make this year's iGEM a success!

General Acknowledgements

Spycatcher and Spytag sequences were cloned from Joshi Lab plasmids obtained from Zakeri et al. CsgA sequences were cloned from Joshi Lab plasmids obtained from the Chapman Lab. SynZIP sequences were obtained from the Keating lab ( Sequences were synthesized by IDT. All cloning and experiments were performed by the Harvard iGEM team. mRFP chromoprotein sequence was obtained from team Uppsala 2011 biobrick part BBa_E1010. Barnhart, Michelle M., and Matthew R. Chapman. "Curli biogenesis and function." Annual review of microbiology 60 (2006): 131. Thompson, Kenneth Evan, et al. "SYNZIP protein interaction toolbox: in vitro and in vivo specifications of heterospecific coiled-coil interaction domains." ACS synthetic biology 1.4 (2012): 118-129. Zakeri, Bijan, et al. "Peptide tag forming a rapid covalent bond to a protein, through engineering a bacterial adhesin." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.12 (2012): E690-E697.