Team:Aberdeen Scotland/DNA


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<title>Team:Aberdeen Scotland -</title>
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<!-- DNA Translator -->
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.toc {
<!-- Manual scripting -->
        display: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function update() {
dna = translate.toDNA({ text: $("#text_in").val() });
.editsection {
function colors() {
        display: none;
dna = $("#dna_out").val();
if(dna == "") { // check for dna sequence
#contentSub, #footer-box, #sitesub, #catlinks, #search-controls, #p-logo, .printfooter, .firstHeading, .visualClear {display: none;}
canvas = translate.colorDNA({ text: $("#dna_out").val() });
function() {
translate = new dna({});
#top, .firstHeading {
$("#to_dna").click(update); // update DNA on button click
display: none;
$("#text_in").keypress( function() { // update DNA on Enter key
var kcode = event.keyCode || event.which;
if(kcode == 13) { //Enter keycode
body {
$("#to_color").click(colors); // create color DNA canvas
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<a href="" title="University of Aberdeen"></a>
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<div id="sidebar">
<ul class="sidebar">
<li><a href="">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Blank</a></li>
<li><a href="#">DNA</a></li>
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a {
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<div class="t_overview">
padding: 0px;
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<p>This app will let you transcode text to DNA. The mapping alphabet is using the E. Coli codon bias and can translate the following characters:</p>
<p class="list_chars">Letters [a to z] and [A to Z], Digits [0 to 9],<br>Spaces [ ] and the Full-Stop[.]</p>
</div> <br class="clear"> <!-- END OF HEAD -->
<!-- INPUT -->
<div class="input_text">
<p>Type in the text you wish translated to DNA in the following box:</p>
<textarea id="text_in" rows="2" cols="70" placeholder="Type your text here"></textarea>
<input id="to_dna" type="button" name="to_dna" value="Translate">
<br class="clear">
<p class="color_black"><sub>*You can try entering your name for instance</sub></p>
ul {
<!-- OUTPUT -->
margin: 0px;
<div class="output_dna">
padding: 0px;
<p>The translation of your text will appear here:</p>
list-style: none;
<textarea id="dna_out" rows="5" cols="70" placeholder="DNA will appear here" readonly></textarea>
<input id="to_color" type="button" name="to_color" value="Color Code DNA">
<div id="color_dna"></div>
background: #8B2942;
width: 975px;
margin: auto;
text-align: left;
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<ul class="sponsors">
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<li><a href="" title="University of Aberdeen"><img src=""></a></li>
width: 975px;
<li><a href="" title="BBSRC"><img src=""></a></li>
height: 327px;
<li><a href="" title="Biochemical Society"><img src=""></a></li>
z-index: -1;
<li><a href="" title="Society for General Microbiology"><img src=""></a></li>
<li><a href="" title="SULSA"><img src=""></a></li>
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width: 130px;
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Revision as of 22:24, 12 August 2014

Team:Aberdeen Scotland -


This app will let you transcode text to DNA. The mapping alphabet is using the E. Coli codon bias and can translate the following characters:

Letters [a to z] and [A to Z], Digits [0 to 9],
Spaces [ ] and the Full-Stop[.]

Type in the text you wish translated to DNA in the following box:

*You can try entering your name for instance

The translation of your text will appear here: