Meetups:May LMU-Munich/WikiTest


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== iGEM meets CAS ==
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=== Why? ===
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=== TEST PAGE ===
Since neither regional jamborees, nor the annual congress of „Initiative Biotechnology 2020+“, which have always been perfect platforms to network with the other German iGEM teams, will take place this year, our team decided to host its own meeting. We think this is a great opportunity to get to know young, aspiring researchers, to learn about each other’s projects, and also network to develop human practice ideas or possibly even bundle projects together.
Encouraged by the Center of Advanced Studies of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, we will organize our German team meetup on the weekend before their next meeting focusing on Synthetic Biology to not only meet other iGEM teams, but also join a scientific meeting with international speakers in the field of Synthetic Biology.
This is a Wiki test page.
=== When? ===
Saturday, May 24 – Monday, May 26, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultrices magna id risus semper euismod. Morbi interdum metus sit amet lacus bibendum elementum. Aliquam scelerisque odio et vulputate porttitor. Nunc porttitor semper urna a fermentum. Curabitur non justo non tortor imperdiet posuere. Sed rhoncus ut eros accumsan rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer iaculis adipiscing orci, eu suscipit felis.
=== Where? ===
Faculty of Biology (LMU), Center of Advanced Studies (LMU) and other locations in Munich
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ac nulla condimentum, fringilla libero eu, dapibus erat. Duis condimentum erat eu fermentum rhoncus. Donec in enim neque. Integer quis rutrum odio. Praesent non tempus sem. Phasellus cursus odio id lacus luctus fermentum. Mauris nec blandit purus. Suspendisse vel est sit amet libero tempor congue eu eu nibh. Etiam sollicitudin sapien eget dui interdum, vitae pulvinar mi lacinia. Vestibulum ligula purus, accumsan eget augue quis, porta adipiscing lacus. Sed fringilla nunc id feugiat lobortis.
=== What? ===
* On Saturday, we allowed for some time to get to know each other. We also invited a speaker (prospectively Prof. Dr. Simmel, TU Munich) to give a scientific talk about his very interesting work. In the evening, we will have a nice get-together with barbecue and soccer fans can also watch the Champions League final together.
* On Sunday, every team will get the chance to talk about their project and hopefully obtain encouraging feedback and inspiring ideas during the follow-up discussions. Afterwards, there will be time to discuss certain topics in subgroups, such as a collective SynBio-Day in Germany, biosafety and co-operations between teams. We will finish off the day by having dinner at a local Bavarian restaurant or beer garden.
* On Monday, our guests will have some free time to process the input or discover the amazing city of Munich in guided tours or on their own, before we all join the meeting of the Center of Advanced Studies focusing on Synthetic Biology with international speakers. Moreover, six teams will be able to introduce their project idea to the audience in a short talk.
Fusce porttitor sem nisi, ac faucibus justo commodo sed. Sed ullamcorper justo nibh, et varius sapien consequat eget. Quisque scelerisque eros mi. Phasellus id dui convallis dolor tempor convallis. Fusce in ligula ut nisl consectetur pellentesque. Nam ac lacus non libero blandit auctor. Vivamus orci diam, facilisis eget convallis non, suscipit sed quam. Duis rutrum porttitor nunc, et rhoncus dolor ultricies non. Nulla lectus velit, suscipit porta velit sit amet, fringilla luctus felis. Proin luctus blandit lorem, tristique tempor nulla pulvinar vitae. Phasellus ac augue hendrerit, tempor turpis eu, vestibulum dui. Sed pretium tincidunt cursus. Integer aliquet consectetur est non adipiscing.
=== Who? ===
Members from 11 German iGEM teams will attend our meetup (Aachen, Berlin, Bielefeld-CeBiTec, Braunschweig, Goettingen, Hannover, LMU-Munich, Marburg, TU_Darmstadt, Saarland). Of course, we would love to invite more teams, but unfortunately, our capacities are limited. All in all, around 60 persons will attend our event.
Vivamus varius mollis velit, vel sodales tortor porta vel. Praesent eu rutrum turpis. Nulla sagittis varius dignissim. Nullam euismod velit in odio luctus, ac congue dolor auctor. Suspendisse et augue malesuada, iaculis mi quis, ultricies nunc. Morbi iaculis odio felis, ac luctus ipsum laoreet et. Cras eleifend ligula nec nibh sagittis, at pretium elit ornare. Cras condimentum, ante nec semper cursus, turpis velit rhoncus lorem, in ornare urna dolor et dolor.
Fusce porttitor sem nisi, ac faucibus justo commodo sed. Sed ullamcorper justo nibh, et varius sapien consequat eget. Quisque scelerisque eros mi. Phasellus id dui convallis dolor tempor convallis. Fusce in ligula ut nisl consectetur pellentesque. Nam ac lacus non libero blandit auctor. Vivamus orci diam, facilisis eget convallis non, suscipit sed quam. Duis rutrum porttitor nunc, et rhoncus dolor ultricies non. Nulla lectus velit, suscipit porta velit sit amet, fringilla luctus felis. Proin luctus blandit lorem, tristique tempor nulla pulvinar vitae. Phasellus ac augue hendrerit, tempor turpis eu, vestibulum dui. Sed pretium tincidunt cursus. Integer aliquet consectetur est non adipiscing.
Vivamus varius mollis velit, vel sodales tortor porta vel. Praesent eu rutrum turpis. Nulla sagittis varius dignissim. Nullam euismod velit in odio luctus, ac congue dolor auctor. Suspendisse et augue malesuada, iaculis mi quis, ultricies nunc. Morbi iaculis odio felis, ac luctus ipsum laoreet et. Cras eleifend ligula nec nibh sagittis, at pretium elit ornare. Cras condimentum, ante nec semper cursus, turpis velit rhoncus lorem, in ornare urna dolor et dolor.
Fusce porttitor sem nisi, ac faucibus justo commodo sed. Sed ullamcorper justo nibh, et varius sapien consequat eget. Quisque scelerisque eros mi. Phasellus id dui convallis dolor tempor convallis. Fusce in ligula ut nisl consectetur pellentesque. Nam ac lacus non libero blandit auctor. Vivamus orci diam, facilisis eget convallis non, suscipit sed quam. Duis rutrum porttitor nunc, et rhoncus dolor ultricies non. Nulla lectus velit, suscipit porta velit sit amet, fringilla luctus felis. Proin luctus blandit lorem, tristique tempor nulla pulvinar vitae. Phasellus ac augue hendrerit, tempor turpis eu, vestibulum dui. Sed pretium tincidunt cursus. Integer aliquet consectetur est non adipiscing.
Vivamus varius mollis velit, vel sodales tortor porta vel. Praesent eu rutrum turpis. Nulla sagittis varius dignissim. Nullam euismod velit in odio luctus, ac congue dolor auctor. Suspendisse et augue malesuada, iaculis mi quis, ultricies nunc. Morbi iaculis odio felis, ac luctus ipsum laoreet et. Cras eleifend ligula nec nibh sagittis, at pretium elit ornare. Cras condimentum, ante nec semper cursus, turpis velit rhoncus lorem, in ornare urna dolor et dolor.
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Latest revision as of 18:43, 29 April 2014


iGEM meets CAS


Since neither regional jamborees, nor the annual congress of „Initiative Biotechnology 2020+“, which have always been perfect platforms to network with the other German iGEM teams, will take place this year, our team decided to host its own meeting. We think this is a great opportunity to get to know young, aspiring researchers, to learn about each other’s projects, and also network to develop human practice ideas or possibly even bundle projects together. Encouraged by the Center of Advanced Studies of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, we will organize our German team meetup on the weekend before their next meeting focusing on Synthetic Biology to not only meet other iGEM teams, but also join a scientific meeting with international speakers in the field of Synthetic Biology.


Saturday, May 24 – Monday, May 26, 2014


Faculty of Biology (LMU), Center of Advanced Studies (LMU) and other locations in Munich


  • On Saturday, we allowed for some time to get to know each other. We also invited a speaker (prospectively Prof. Dr. Simmel, TU Munich) to give a scientific talk about his very interesting work. In the evening, we will have a nice get-together with barbecue and soccer fans can also watch the Champions League final together.
  • On Sunday, every team will get the chance to talk about their project and hopefully obtain encouraging feedback and inspiring ideas during the follow-up discussions. Afterwards, there will be time to discuss certain topics in subgroups, such as a collective SynBio-Day in Germany, biosafety and co-operations between teams. We will finish off the day by having dinner at a local Bavarian restaurant or beer garden.
  • On Monday, our guests will have some free time to process the input or discover the amazing city of Munich in guided tours or on their own, before we all join the meeting of the Center of Advanced Studies focusing on Synthetic Biology with international speakers. Moreover, six teams will be able to introduce their project idea to the audience in a short talk.


Members from 11 German iGEM teams will attend our meetup (Aachen, Berlin, Bielefeld-CeBiTec, Braunschweig, Goettingen, Hannover, LMU-Munich, Marburg, TU_Darmstadt, Saarland). Of course, we would love to invite more teams, but unfortunately, our capacities are limited. All in all, around 60 persons will attend our event.