Team:Korea U Seoul/Notebook sub


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2014 IGEM 1st minutes


- First meeting with 2014 kuas team members. Discussed about what is kuas, synthetic biology and igem.


- Synthetic biology homepage :

- Part legistry page :


- investigate about subject of2008, 2009 igem teams investigate about subject of 2008, 2009 igem teams

2014 IGEM 2nd minutes

Study of igem 2008~2009 colleges

  1. Minseob - cell to cell communication
  2. - Outer membrane vesicles (OMV) : gram negative bacteria like E. coli have Outer membrane vesicles (OMV), which can transfer toxin to other bacteria or host strains. Omv is composed of bi-lipid layer with water soluble core, so it can transfer both water soluble materials and lipid soluble materials. Omv is a strong candidate in long-distance messaging.

  3. Pick a single, well-isolated colony and inoculate it into 5 ml of LB broth (plus antibiotic). Incubate at 37 oC overnight with shaking at 220 rpm.
  4. Transfer 1 ml of the saturated overnight culture to a sterile 500-ml flask containing 100 ml of LB medium (do not add antibiotic at this step). Incubate the cells at 37 oC with the shaking at 220 rpm, until OD600 reach 0.5 ; this usually takes 2.0-2.5 hr. Check the OD frequently when it gets beyond 0.2 to avoid overgrowth.
  5. When the culture reaches an OD600 of 0.5, chill the flask on the ice for 20 min and then collect the cells by centrifugation at 1500 rpm for 5 min at 4 oC.
  6. Resuspend the cells in 10 ml of ice-cold TSS solution. Now the competent cells are ready to be transformed.
  7. Aliquot 150 ul competent cells to 1.5ml tube. If they are not immediately used, cells can be stored at 4 oC for maximum of 6 hr without significant loss of competency. The same competent cells can also be stored at -70 oC for long-term storage (pre-treat with liquid nitrogen or dry ice).
  8. - (p.s.) Competent cells should give a minimum of 1x106 transformants per ug of plasmid DNA. Transformation frequency of frozen cells is 30 % of that of the fresh cells, when used within two months.

- First meeting with 2014 kuas team members. Discussed about what is kuas, synthetic biology and igem.


- Synthetic biology homepage :

- Part legistry page :


- investigate about subject of2008, 2009 igem teams investigate about subject of 2008, 2009 igem teams


1. Ideas
(1) Keywords 
- We made bulletin board at our website that we can easily search ideas

Kyengwoo Jang : Cyanobacteria+Rhodopsin, Acetic acid
Junhong Jang : MSG
Hyunsong Kim : Shwanella+Nano Silver
Juyoung Han : Aluminum
Jihoon Jeong : Proteorhodopsin
Jihee Park : Endospore inner membrane
Hyeyeong Choi : Food waste odor, Nuclear waste breakdown

(2) Teamwork
-We made team to think systemically

Group 1 (Jihoon Jeong, Minseob Yoo) : CaCO3, AR system
Group 2 (Jihee Park, Hyeyeong Choi, Kyengwoo Jang, Minseob Yoo, Juyoung Han) : Nonylphenol, SPR sensor, Lignin β-keto adipate pathway
Group 3 (Junhong Jang, Kyengwoo Jang, Hyunsong Kim, Juyoung Han) : Bio-hoil
Group 4 (Jihoon Jeong, Jaeuk Han, Minseob Yoo, Dongha Kim) : Bio-wire

We consolidated group 3&4 to the topic of nano metal producing by microbes

2. Human Practice
- Vote for Best 3 Human Practice from last year : Cornell, Calgary, LMU-Munich


1. Decide topic
- Minseob Yoo
: conchiolin is major protein of pearl
There are two types of crystal structures of CaCO3, calcite and aragonite
Nacerin automatically gathers and produce aragonite

We will further search :
1) How CaCO3 makes aragonite
2) Conditions for gloss
3) Exact mechanism of making pearl by pearl shell
4) Method of making layers
5) Accurate role of colchiolin and possibility of producing it.

2. Human Practice
- Undergraduate essay contest : K water, Bioneer challenge, Samsung human-tech


Things to do
- Decide team logo & Order team T-shirt
- Homepage making (Contents)
- Festival at Yongsan youth center : Dongha Kim, Hyunsong Kim, Jihee Park


1. New name for Korea University biosynthetic academy
- Korea University Association of Synthetic biology (KUAS)

2. Role allocation
1) Sponsor :
in the school - Jihoon Jeong
outside the school - Dongha Kim, Junhong Jang, Jonghee Chun
2) Writing reports : Juyoung Han
3) CCP : Jihee Park, Hyunsong Kim, Juyoung Han, Minseob Yoo
4) Plans in Hongkong : Jihoon Jeong
5) Translation into English : Hyunsong Kim
6) Wiki contents : Minseob Yoo, Kyengwoo Jang, Jaeuk Han


1. Individual tasks
1) Jihoon Jeong - Report, Plane ticket, Wiki contents
2) Jaeuk Han - Wiki contents, Experiment
3) Hyeyeong Choi - Human Practice in Africa
4) Jihee Park - CCP, Experiment, Travel plan
5) Juyoung Han - Report, Design, Manager
6) Kyengwoo Jang - Wiki contents, Experiment
7) Junhong Jang - Experiment, Sponsor
8) Jonghee Chun - Sponsor, Homepage
9) Minseob Yoo - Experiment, CCP, Wiki contents
10) Dongha Kim - Homepage, Wiki platform
11) Minwhan Yoo - Homepage, wiki platform
12) Hyunsong Kim - Translation, Experiment, CCP

* Experiment day of week 
- Monday : Jaeuk Han
- Tuesday : Jihee Park
- Wednesday : Juyoung Han
- Thursday : Hyunsong Kim