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E. Cowli - Fighting Climate Change - iGEM 2014 Team Braunschweig

E. Cowli - Fighting climate change at the source

Dairy and beef production are important to our daily lives and consumption needs. However, there are serious climate change issues regarding the continual expansion of these industries. The microbiota inside the cow’s rumen releases dangerous amounts of greenhouse gases as they help digest the animal's food. Therefore, finding ways to decrease the production of greenhouse gases of dairy cows and cattle is essential in fighting global warming.

In this year’s iGEM project we fight global warming right at its source - the cow's rumen. Using the powerful tools of synthetic biology we were able to reduce the methane levels through a genetically engineered E. coli.

Policy & Practices

In order to spread the idea of synthetic biology we got in contact with people of all ages. This was also a nice distraction from the lab work.


While designing our project, biosafety was of course a very important issue for this year’s iGEM team of the TU Braunschweig



The iGEM Team Braunschweig presents a novel approach towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: We are going to equip the model organsim Escherichia coli with the methane monooxygenase (MMO), an enzyme complex enabling methaotrophs to use the greenhouse gas methane as sole source of carbon and energy, hence creating our methane degrading E. cowli.


In order to evaluate the feasibilty of our project before has become reality we generated generated a mathematical model based on laboratry and literature data.


Everyone who is interested in how we spent our iGEM summer, feel free to have a look at our Notebook, where we’ve put together a documenation of our lab work.


By contributing BioBricks to the iGEM Registry of Standard Biological Party so that other teams can use them in the future, we live up to the basic ideas of the iGEM competition.

Our Supporters

  • Biolegio Logo
  • BMBF Logo
  • Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig Logo
  • DBT Logo
  • Machery Nagel Logo
  • Promega Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo
  • Yumab Logo
  • TU Braunschweig Logo
  • Ecki Wohlgehagen Stiftung Logo
  • TU BS Biologie Logo
  • NEB Logo