Team:WashU StLouis


Revision as of 19:45, 17 June 2014 by Benjaminhuang (Talk | contribs)

We are Team NitroGENIUS!

Scroll down to find more about our project!

Nitrogen Fixation in E. coli

Two Key Components to our Project:

Our team used genes from cyanobacteria to get nitrogen fixation working in E. coli and was able to regulate transcription of nitrogen fixation genes with light


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Who will your project help?

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Why did you choose this project?

What motivated you to work on this project? Tell us what inspires you.


Important links to keep

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  • All pages, images and files must be hosted on the server.
  • All pages must be created under the team’s name space.
  • As part of your documentation, keep the links from the menu to the left.
  • Do not use flash in wiki code.
  • The iGEM logo should be placed on the upper part of every page and should link to

Visit the Wiki How To page for a complete list of requirements, tips and other useful information.