Team:NCTU Formosa/Test


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In the libaray,We read something about introduction of Pyramid in order to figure out how to design our divice.We then came out with the adventages of this structure.With unique extereior and the grave of Pharaohs,We thought that the idea of Pyramid match with our device perfactly.The Pests are killed in our trap just like Pharaons buried in Pyramid.

 In the libaray,We read something about introduction of Pyramid in order to figure out how to design our divice.We then came out with the adventages of this structure.With unique extereior and the grave of Pharaohs,We thought that the idea of Pyramid match with our device perfactly.The Pests are killed in our trap just like Pharaons buried in Pyramid.


First ,We divide our design chart into two parts-exterior and interior. The exterior is just like the appearance of Pyramid ,and the interior is used to equip PBANs and bag for pests. When the harmful insects eat our biobrick, they will release pheromone ,and attract the same species. We first use blue light and the smell of pheromone to attract insect. After they go into our device ,we will take advantages of their characteristic that insects always fly high to escape. And then ,they will be stuck in our device. When we take away the outer shield ,the hock on the outer shield will close the bag ,and the insects will be caught. In addition ,the four tenons at the corner can firm up our device.

To get more professional suggestions, we go to the National Chung Hsing university,and visit the professor Hau You Tzeng who major in mosquito. This tour benefit us very much. We get some knowledge about how you to design breeding cage. With this experience, we finally design our own breeding cage.


For the materials of our device ,We use Acrylic Sheet or balsa.The fomer is transparent and safer than glass. The latter is cheap ,light ,and easy to cut. For the process ,We google some informations of our factories ,and use Colddraw to hand out the design chart. We also go everywhere to buy what we need for our device. For example,the tool for cutting wood and LED light were just named a few.

Cover image credit: DVQ