//pTandem Library with two external inputs with RFP for testing //Properties Property Name(txt); Property RepressedBy(txt); Property Represses(txt); //Part Types PartType Promoter(Name,RepressedBy); PartType Terminator(Name); PartType RBS(Name); PartType SmallMolecule(Name,Represses); PartType CReporter(Name,Represses); //Parts RBS rbs("rbs"); CReporter RFP("RFP"); Terminator term("term"); //Promoters Promoter pTet("pTet","tetR"); Promoter pLac("pLac","lacI"); Promoter pBad("pBad","araC"); SmallMolecule aTc("aTc","tetR"); SmallMolecule IPTG("IPTG","lacI"); SmallMolecule arabinose("arabinose","araC"); //Structural Rules Device D1( SmallMolecule, Promoter, SmallMolecule,Promoter, RBS,CReporter,Terminator); //Content Rules Rule R1(ON D1: all_forward /\ NOT pTet MORETHAN 1 /\ NOT pLac MORETHAN 1 /\ NOT pBad MORETHAN 1 ); //Cartesian product list1=product(D1); println(list1);