

var PANEL_NORMAL_CLASS = "panel"; var PANEL_COLLAPSED_CLASS = "panelcollapsed"; var PANEL_HEADING_TAG = "h2"; var PANEL_CONTENT_CLASS = "panelcontent"; var PANEL_COOKIE_NAME = "panels"; var PANEL_ANIMATION_DELAY = 20; /*ms*/ var PANEL_ANIMATION_STEPS = 10; var selectionCount = jQuery("li", ".left-menu").length; $( "#menubar li:nth-child(" + selectionCount + ")" ).remove();

function setUpPanels() { loadSettings();

// get all headings var headingTags = document.getElementsByTagName(PANEL_HEADING_TAG);

// go through all tags for (var i=0; i<headingTags.length; i++) { var el = headingTags[i];

// make sure it's the heading inside a panel if (el.parentNode.className != PANEL_NORMAL_CLASS && el.parentNode.className != PANEL_COLLAPSED_CLASS) continue;

// get the text value of the tag var name = el.firstChild.nodeValue;

// look for the name in loaded settings, apply the normal/collapsed class if (panelsStatus[name] == "false") el.parentNode.className = PANEL_COLLAPSED_CLASS; else if (panelsStatus[name] == "true") el.parentNode.className = PANEL_NORMAL_CLASS; else { // if no saved setting, see the initial setting panelsStatus[name] = (el.parentNode.className == PANEL_NORMAL_CLASS) ? "true" : "false"; }

// add the click behavor to headings el.onclick = function() { var target = this.parentNode; var name = this.firstChild.nodeValue; var collapsed = (target.className == PANEL_COLLAPSED_CLASS); saveSettings(name, collapsed?"true":"false"); animateTogglePanel(target, collapsed); }; } }


* Start the expand/collapse animation of the panel
* @param panel reference to the panel div

function animateTogglePanel(panel, expanding) { // find the .panelcontent div var elements = panel.getElementsByTagName("div"); var panelContent = null; for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].className == PANEL_CONTENT_CLASS) { panelContent = elements[i]; break; } }

// make sure the content is visible before getting its height = "block";

// get the height of the content var contentHeight = panelContent.offsetHeight;

// if panel is collapsed and expanding, we must start with 0 height if (expanding) = "0px";

var stepHeight = contentHeight / PANEL_ANIMATION_STEPS; var direction = (!expanding ? -1 : 1);

setTimeout(function(){animateStep(panelContent,1,stepHeight,direction)}, PANEL_ANIMATION_DELAY); }


* Change the height of the target
* @param panelContent	reference to the panel content to change height
* @param iteration		current iteration; animation will be stopped when iteration reaches PANEL_ANIMATION_STEPS
* @param stepHeight	height increment to be added/substracted in one step
* @param direction		1 for expanding, -1 for collapsing

function animateStep(panelContent, iteration, stepHeight, direction) { if (iteration<PANEL_ANIMATION_STEPS) { = Math.round(((direction>0) ? iteration : 10 - iteration) * stepHeight) +"px"; iteration++; setTimeout(function(){animateStep(panelContent,iteration,stepHeight,direction)}, PANEL_ANIMATION_DELAY); } else { // set class for the panel panelContent.parentNode.className = (direction<0) ? PANEL_COLLAPSED_CLASS : PANEL_NORMAL_CLASS; // clear inline styles = = ""; } }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load-Save // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**

* Reads the "panels" cookie if exists, expects data formatted as key:value|key:value... puts in panelsStatus object

function loadSettings() { // prepare the object that will keep the panel statuses panelsStatus = {};

// find the cookie name var start = document.cookie.indexOf(PANEL_COOKIE_NAME + "="); if (start == -1) return;

// starting point of the value start += PANEL_COOKIE_NAME.length+1;

// find end point of the value var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;

// get the value, split into key:value pairs var cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end)); var panelsData = cookieValue.split("|");

// split each key:value pair and put in object for (var i=0; i< panelsData.length; i++) { var pair = panelsData[i].split(":"); panelsStatus[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } }

function expandAll() { for (var key in panelsStatus) saveSettings(key, "true");

setUpPanels(); }

function collapseAll() { for (var key in panelsStatus) saveSettings(key, "false");

setUpPanels(); }


* Takes data from the panelsStatus object, formats as key:value|key:value... and puts in cookie valid for 365 days
* @param key	key name to save
* @paeam value	key value

function saveSettings(key, value) { // put the new value in the object panelsStatus[key] = value;

// create an array that will keep the key:value pairs var panelsData = []; for (var key in panelsStatus) panelsData.push(key+":"+panelsStatus[key]);

// set the cookie expiration date 1 year from now var today = new Date(); var expirationDate = new Date(today.getTime() + 365 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); // write the cookie document.cookie = PANEL_COOKIE_NAME + "=" + escape(panelsData.join("|")) + ";expires=" + expirationDate.toGMTString(); }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Register setUpPanels to be executed on load if (window.addEventListener) { // the "proper" way window.addEventListener("load", setUpPanels, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { // the IE way window.attachEvent("onload", setUpPanels); }