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We have the fortune of being very close to another iGEM Team, which is in our same city. This year we thought that we should seek a cooperation with <a href="#">iGEM UANL</a> because we were facing similar problems. Our two teams got together when Ana Sifuentes, ex Tec-Monterrey iGEMER who visited and gave a small lecture about iGEM in Tec de Monterrey and UNAL.

When we met, we realized that there were some areas of opportunity where we could help each other, and we knew for sure that we could help each other by debugging our parts when they arrived. Finally, we had a critical cooperation in the Interlab study, where we helped each other to characterize their D3 promoter while in exchange they characterized D2 promoter. The results of these characterization can be seen in the <a href="interlab.html">Interlab</a> tab.

Also, they helped us to make the directed mutagenesis of the phage M13, by inserting the pLux promoter and pep42 in the genome of the phage. <a href="module2.html">Module II</a> gives a better insight of how was this achieved.

We have to thank their help, and also the friendship all of them showed towards our team!

We hope that this new cooperation formula will take our teams further in the competition in the following years!

We also collaborated with other teams from Mexico to help each other with an issue related to customs which is explained <a href="low-proposal.html">here</a>

<figure> <a href="ITESM14_VisitaUNAL_2014.jpg" data-lightbox="UANL" data-title=""><img class="img img-responsive" style="margin:0px auto;display:block width:20%;" src="ITESM14_VisitaUNAL_2014.jpg"></a> </figure> </section>